
The environment was freezing cold and I felt blinded. A low groan rumbled from my throat as I turned over, pulling the blanket over my head. I opened my eyes slightly, then blinked multiple times, trying to get rid of the blurry vision. When they began to clear, there was a bottle of aspirin along with a hand after bottle on the nightstand.

I grabbed the piece of paper next to it and I felt myself start to smile as I read it:

Pretty sure you already know I left these. But, there's clothes on the bathroom counter along with your phone. Meet me downstairs when you're done. -C

I folded the paper back then grabbed the pills and opened it, pouring two in my hand. After tossing them back, I chugged the water bottle down then wiped my mouth. Blowing my hair out of my face, I stood out of bed and went into the bathroom, looking in the mirror.

I look and feel like shit.

My only problem is, I didn't know whether I should take a shower or a bath. They both were huge, but the bathtub was calling my name. It's been a while since I relaxed.

I went to the tub and sat on the edge, turning the knobs. Once the water was hot enough, I took off my bra and panties then stepped in the tub, slowly sitting down with a sigh. I grabbed the soap and towel that was on the side and began to wash myself off.

When I went down to my legs, my eyes zoned in on the scars on my thighs. I let the towel go in the water then gently traced over them, feeling my eyes water.

It's been a while since I last done self harm to myself. I was in such a dark place and at the time, it felt like my only solution. After everything that happened with Liam, he scarred me physically and mentally. It's just so much a woman can take, you know?

I let the water out of the tub then stepped out, grabbing the towel that was hanging on the rack. I quickly dried myself off then threw on the clothes Carter left for me. When I walked back in the room, I fixed the bed to the best of my ability then picked up the outfit I wore last night.

I swung the door open then walked downstairs with my clothes in hand. Carter was in the kitchen, by the stove and it took me clearing my throat to catch his attention. When he looked my way, his eyes slowly scanned over my body before he came to and grabbed my clothes.

"Go sit, I'll put these washing."

When he walked off, I went to the huge island and sat in the chair in front of it. I ran a hand through my hair then laid my head on my arm. I watched Carter walk back in the kitchen and grab a plate, adding one more thing to it before putting it in front of me.

Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage links, and a buttery biscuit. My mouth started to water as I grabbed the fork and dug into the eggs first. In the middle of me eating, Carter put a cup of juice in front of me then kissed my cheek.

I wiped my mouth when he sat beside then turned my away.

"I wasn't a handful last night, was I?" I asked him, taking a sip of my drink.

"No. I mean, you did hit a guy over the head with a bottle."

"Of course I did," I mumbled, rubbing my forehead. "That it?"

"We did make out a couple of times, especially when we got here. Don't worry, we didn't go far because I didn't want to do that while you weren't fully in control."

"Aw, so gentleman like."

He rolled his eyes, blushing slightly. I kissed his cheek then continued to eat the breakfast he made for me. My phone vibrated on the counter and I reached for it, seeing Lola's name flash on screen.

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