Starting Today, You are a Host

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     I followed Haruhi as we attempted to find a quiet room so we could study, she was talking to herself again, probably about her mother. Her father took me in when I was only 9, making me 16 now. She was gone 4 years before I was even in the picture.

     Haruhi was invited to the academy for academic reasons. I was mostly accepted for exceptional talent, though my intelligence wasn't lacking. I could play almost any instrument, but I favored the piano and the guitar. The sound they produced was simply amazing.

     I watched as  Haruhi walked up to a door, it was fairly quiet on the other side. "Hopefully this will be empty, unlike the others." She whispered. Once it opened, red rose petals flew in our faces as we were greeted by a group of boys. Haruhi began to freak out because it was a host club. Not entirely what we had in mind for our study session.

       "Oh wow, it's a couple of boys." Twins were usually troublesome, it wouldn't surprise me if they were either... they did look familiar though. I couldn't help but stare, trying to figure out where I'd seen them.

        "Hikaru, Kaoru, I believe this young man is in the same class as you?" The one with glasses gestured towards Haruhi. I glanced down at her, considering I was quite tall for most women, but both me and Haruhi looked quite masculine. She got her hair cut, and even as a child I had short hair. My voice was slightly lower tone than my sister's, so that probably didn't help either. "Yeah, but he's shy. He doesn't act very sociable, so we don't know much about him." The guy they were speaking to smiled and tilted his head, as if a light-bulb clicked. "Well that wasn't very polite. Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Mr. Honor Students." His arms gestured in a wider stance as if he were going to give us a hug, obviously he was going to keep his distance though. The blond sitting in the chair swung his legs forward and sat up more interested than before. "What? You must be Haruhi Fujioka, and this must be Kane Fujioka. You two are the exceptional honor students we've heard about." Haruhi was trying her hardest to get the door open, which seemed to have locked. "How do you know my name?" I remained straight face, glancing around the room. It never seemed to bother me that people knew my name.

        "Well your infamous, it's not everyday a couple of commoners make entrance to our academy. You two must have an audacious nerve to study your way to an honor students, Mr. Fujioka." As expected, her tone slightly softened for only a moment as she politely thanked them.

        "You're welcome, you must a hero for the poor people Mr. Fujioka." He got up and seemed to waltz towards her. "You have showed the world that even a poor person can get into a private academy." Even as Haruhi tried to keep away from him, he seemed determined to touch her. "-It must be hard for you to be constantly looked down on by others." She kept away the best she could though. 

         "I think your taking this poor thing to far. "

        I kept my glance on him, he was starting to weird me out. It was as if he needed to touch her and that was rather unnerving. "That doesn't matter, does it? Long live the poor! We welcome you poor men to ours of beauty! "

        Haruhi grabbed my hand, "We're out of here. " The shortest one grabbed Haruhi, dragging us back and nearly knocking me over.

       "Haru-chan! You must be like a super hero or something that's so cool. " I knelt for a moment, watching their encounter.

         "I'm not a hero, I'm an honor student, and who are you calling Haru-chan!" The tall blond offered me a hand, which I took with gratitude. "Thank you. " He nodded and turned to Haruhi,

         "I never would have imagined a famous scholar would be so openly gay." She turned confused as did I. "So tell me what kind of guy your into. Do you like the strong, silent type? The boy-Lolita type? How about the mischievous type? Or the cool type." Haruhi, began backing up, she was getting overwhelmed again.

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