Chapter Thirty-Five

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She came running towards me with a bloodied knife in her hands. The mirrors all showing her reflection, and them running towards me. Everywhere I turned she stood there. I ran to my left where the graves were less, but she followed on my heels. It took a round towards a river and I stopped, just before I could fall in. The ritual she had prepared long forgotten, it was me she was after and she was coming for. I showed her the mirror and she smiled, then in the blink of an eye disappeared.

"Anna." She whispered in my ear, making me jump. The knife came slashing down. It got stuck in a stone and she yanked it out with so much force. Sparks of light flew about the blade. "Come back Anna, lets do this nice and slow."

The knife buried in the earth this time pinning my dress with it. Her hands came to my neck which was something as the chain prevented her from doing much strangling. I ripped the white from it and crawled on my hands and feet. She grabbed the lower half of my calf and pulled. I could feel the pain grazed my skin as tiny mirror pieces dived in deeper. The mirror fell to the ground and then she remembered it. Letting go of my legs she reached for the object.

I pulled on her slimy wet ankle. You could do with a bit of washing you know. She slipped to the ground with a loud groan. Her sharp nails dug into my face. I could feel the blood that came from the wound she had just given me, the one inside my nose. But still I gripped her and with a long stick pushed the mirror further. I climbed her body and punched her in her face. Her nose broke off and fell to the ground. I looked at her shocked.

"I am dead, aren't I?" Black water poured out of the open space.

I looked at it, curious.

I got up from her and ran for the mirror, she pulled my hair and I threw the reflector a few yards away from me. She watched it land and a crack was heard. Using my elbow I hit her stomach, and she moved back in pain. I looked at the mirror, it had some crack at the bottom but nothing else. I ran into the cemetery, standing at the edge where the last grave sat. She walked in. "If you come any further I will drop it." My body ached and I could see three of her. I needed to rest.

"Your mother is fighting for her life dear." She turned into the sweet girl of sixteen, fresh skin and beautiful lips. Her hair was braided into two. Her night dress, clean and white with blue daises stitched at the bottom. She was still bare foot.

"You would not want to make the mistake of breaking that mirror, she might die." Her figure changed to that of the woman again. "You never got to answer me answer, what did you see in the mirror that made you jump?" I watched her, she had a smile about her cut lip, even though she spoke she mumbled something.

I looked back at the mirror that I held in my hands. "Oh, Anna, I know you are scared, just give it to me and you will have your brother Owen back." She smiled an even wider smile. "I can save his life from the burning fire."

In a flash an image came to view, James burning by my mother, but wait she called him Owen. Her smile faded, probably she realised her mistake. Her cold hands reached my face, she looked at me. "You look exactly like her, like my Anna. And I never liked you from the start."

She wiped around and looked at Ainsley, the place he had just hit her was starting to tear. "Did you miss me you crazy woman?" He asked.

"I killed the woman you sent, turns out it was you all along." His eyes looked at the wholes in her body and he almost gagged. He held the log more tightly and took a stance, I could see the pain on his face, his foot looked so bad. She left me and moved to him, "No!" A scream escaped my lips.

Ainsley smiled. "I do not have much time anyway, so either I end her or she ends me." Tears welled in my eyes as I watched the both of them look at each other.

"Anna, remember that time at his office, the exact same way you picked up the mirror?" I waited with a none paused difficulty in breathing for him to tell me more, but instead he kept quiet. She moved over to him and I had to turn away, I could not bare to watch the love of my life, yes I said it, the father of my unborn child die.

I looked around me in helplessness, what was I to do? How could I-? A small voice called out to me, and I swore, I was getting tired of seeing dead people. It was a little girl. I followed her voice moving in between the rows and columns of mirrors that stood as graves, each baring a name, a birth date and that of their death. I stepped on a glass and looked down at my feet. It had not gone to deep in. I looked to my left that had a mirror, dead dry roses lay besides it, it had a name Tudborough, but no first name nor death date.

I pushed open a flower garden that had only one mirror. It was surrounded by so many flowers, and they were all fresh. It sat at the centre of the small garden, before it was a clean strip of water. I dipped my feet in and crossed to the other side. Kneeling beside it, I looked at the mirror. In it was the girl I had seen, the happy one and the one in my hand was the deranged mad woman. I was to break it was I not, but how-

Then it hit me.

The door swung open and she stood there. Ainsley called out. "Hurry Anna, we do not have much tim-" The door shut closed and instantly the flowers died off, the figure on the long looking glass gone. I turned to face it, I turned it upside down and faced it the other way.

She ran for me.

"If I can not see you, if I can not hear you, then you can not hurt me, go away, go back to where you belong McCurrie."

The mirror slammed against a stone, and I didn't stop. I hit it continuously until there was nothing left. She fell to the ground holding her chest and coughing. Her eyes rolled about their sockets and her hands started withering. The door was pushed open with so much force.

"Anna, you need to get out of here, now!" The building started collapsing. It shook with a mighty roar before falling.

I had just passed her dead body when she called out.



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