Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Anna I swear you owe me." He gripped the wheel and pressed on the gas. "Drive Ainsley." He gave me a sideways glance. "I am. Am i not? But how would I know where I am going miss know it all?"

I flipped the picture backwards and read the same address that was written on Mr. Calvert Ghislain's card. "Eddenborough Northwest Virginia that is where we are going to." He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah right, we are driving to the line that separates Great Britain and America, what number was it again, I wouldn't want to miss the plot, 306" I sighed, 308 was it. "You're making this even harder for me." He humped and said something under his breath.

"We do not know where we are going or what on earth we are doing. All you know is about some house, that had been abandoned and some photos of a man you claim it to be him."

I looked outside the window. "How do you even know what we are doing?" He raised his voice. "Had you not picked up the mirror then none of this would be happening." I looked at him flabbergasted,

"Are you seriously blaming me? You think all this is my fault." He turned to give me a cold stare. "Yes, Anna I am blaming you, you ruined our chances, if you hadn't been so curious non of this would have happened."

"Like as if you were not goofing around, I didn't start this, she was already here before it all happen-" He cut me off. "Yeah right, you enhanced it all Anna, you created some form of portal and now she is in the human world disturbing my peace." We both fell silent.

"This is about Hannah, isn't it?" He didn't answer. "You are blaming me because after all these years your guilt has come back ten fold in the form of a woman you slept with, you think I am not suffering with this to? Have you seen my mother? She was almost killed." I raised my voice at him, he scoffed.

"That is your problem, she came as my devil and she is also your devil, what ever shit you and your family did to anger the woman, I am telling you right now to make it-"

"Ainsley look out." I gripped the wheel and turned it to the side, missing the car that had ran into a tree.


James opened the door to his room; mother had said she would only be a minute, but he had been in the room for over half an hour. The bed was very big and uncomfortable, the pillows were hard, and the sheets were dusty. He also kept on hearing strange voices and laughter coming from the opposite room.

He opened his door even wider and steeped into the long hallway. Where he stood was lit by old fashioned candles, but the rest of the way was darkened. There was no electricity in the house as the wires were long disconnected. He swallowed hard and took in a breath. "Mom?"

Tears welled up in his eyes, he was scared. Anna was not home, mother was acting strange, and he hadn't seen Owen and Eli around. He could not move, he felt his body paralysed to the spot and his hands began shaking.

"Mom?" He called again this time as the tears ran down his face. "Mom I am scared, where are you?" He still looked at the darkened hallway right across from him, he couldn't go down the stairs, he didn't want to, he also didn't want to be in the room, all alone.

"Mom I am scared." He lifted the hem of his shirt and wiped off his tears but they still poured anew. He heard the sound of footsteps approach him and his heart beat rapidly fast. "Mom" he called again, the footsteps stopped, then the figure approached him.

He screamed.


We both sat silent, the argument long forgotten. "I think we should." Ainsley replied with. "Yeah."

Still none of us moved, fear gripped me and I was glued to my seat. "Do you think -" I left the sentence hanging and he completed. "I do not know."

I took a long look around the place, it was dark, and we were only God knew where. The head lights of Ainsley's car were on that helped to see, dark was not a word to describe the outside, black was better a term. I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked at him, he sighed and did the same.

"You check if the person is still alive, which I doubt and call 911, I will get the first aid kit from the back."

I looked out the window towards the direction we had come from, not a single soul was in sight. I looked back at him, he held my hand in his and lifted my gaze to his. "I am sorry about earlier." He kissed my forehead and brought his lips to the corner of my lips, he whispered. "I wont let anything happen to you, now go see if you can help."

Was this the right time to tell him? We had how many hours to live before we both met our- I didn't complete that thought. I nodded and opened my door; I put on my torch light and approached the car. He got out and went for the back.

The screen of the phone was cracked but at least it did help with its function, I checked the signal on it and there was none. I flashed the light through one of the windows and it bounced back on my face. I opened the door and found a mirror, it was extravagant and had its body in gold. There was a name at the bottom, but it was to scratched to read.

I searched the rest of the car careful not to put my prints on anything. I didn't find anybody, I came out and by the side of the road lay a body. It was that of a woman I recognised immediately. She was in a suit and was lying on the ground, her head looked like it had been twisted and blood spilled out of her mouth, her eyes were wide and in her hands was a small mirror, the mirror faced up towards the sky.


Ainsley opened the boot and rampaged for the first aid kit. "It has to be here somewhere." He thought to himself, a shiny reflector caught his eye and in it he could see Anna by the dead woman examining her, he looked up and saw what she did was what the mirror showed, the image changed to that of the tree that had been hit, falling, and landing on Anna. Without thinking he called out her name and ran to her.

Settled she looked up and the woman gripped her throat in a tight hold, the small mirror cutting into her skin.

The tree gave a groan and Ainsley was able to pull her away from the scene and the dead woman. The tree had crushed her sparing only her hand and the mirror in it. The hand fell and the mirror was pointed at them.

In it stood the smiling woman in white.

"Anna." She called.

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