Chapter Eighteen

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A hand pulled at him, it was consistent and kept on nagging. He turned to the other side as he didn't want to wake up, the dream he was having was a good one. The hand pulled at his again and he sighed bringing the blanket up to his chin. The hand gripped his feet and hurled him off the bed. He landed on his stomach.

James sat up and looked around, it was still morning alright and it was a Sunday, mother usually let him sleep till after eight. So why was he abruptly woken up? He got to his feet and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Mom?" He opened the bathroom's door and walked in irrespective of the black that stained his feet.

"Ewww, mommy someone pooed on the bathroom floor." He dropped his pants down and urinated in the toilet. His brows farrowed as he pulled up his pants. Mother always left him a stool, how was he to reach the sink now? Standing on his toes he stretched his hand and opened the tap, not a single drop of water came out. He closed it and looked at his hands. "I didn't touch the toilet then I have no germs. Right?" He still stood there.

"Mother? If I didn't touch the toilet then must I wash my hands?"

He waited, but no one answered. He closed the bathroom door and walked down the stairs. "Mom- oh hi Owen." He stood at the last step and looked at his brothers, no big brothers. Owen was dry and Eli stood with him.

"Have you seen mother? I have been trying to call her, but she is not answering me. Is she still sleeping?" Owen and Eli stood there, yes; they saw him but none of them could talk nor move. "Owen, are you okay? Have you seen mother?" He walked into the living room and there was a woman standing there, she was looking at Owen and Eli. James walked nearer.

"Excuse me ma'am, but have you seen my mother."

The woman turned and James took a step back, he had seen her once or twice in the house. He had seen her attack Anna while she was outside, he took another step back, the woman walked towards him.

"Who are you?" He asked, and the woman looked between him and the other two boys, she still took another step forward. James stood his ground. "Who are you, answer me and what have you done with my mother?" At the mention of mother, the woman smiled there was only a small distance left between him and her, she came towards him. He closed his eyes and covered his ears.

"If I can not see you, if I can not hear you, then you can not hurt me, go away, go back to where you belong McCurrie."

When he opened his eyes, the woman was not there, but he heard a scream, it was his mother and the scream came from outside.


Clara woke up with a start and it took awhile for her to realise that she was lying outside right at the foot of the pool. She sat up with a jerk and touched her stomach, she sighed a sigh of relief, she knew those waist bags would come in handy and it was much to her surprise what saved her from the knife that tried to cut through her stomach. She unhooked it from around her waist and checked inside. The screen of her brand-new phone was cracked, but that was what saved her right? That was all that mattered. But what made her fall, what was that sudden pain she felt through her body?

Then she remembered Richard.

Her mind cleared, and she swallowed afraid to look at her legs. She was half nude. A new form of fear ran through her body. Did he-? Did we-?

She swallowed again and rubbed her hands all over her upper body. She looked down at the water and it was crystal clear. She stood up and turned to face the garage, it was closed so how did she end up here?

A set of hands gripped her feet and pulled her down the blue water. She held onto the edge of the pool as tightly as possible. The hands let her go and the pool became still, not a single wave could be seen. Afraid to move she watched the water. She looked at the bottom and thought she saw something; her hands were getting weak from holding the edge so tightly.

There was a movement besides her feet, and she turned, the pool was still, and so was she. Then the water opened, and he came out from under, pulling her in. Out of shock she let go of the edge and watched it go further away from her. His hands gripped her neck and he pressed hard pushing them both to the bottom that seemed to be filled with black. Was it possible to cry in a pool, would her tears easily be recognised?

She remembered the conservation she had with Anna. She was holding onto guilt, yet none of all that had happened was her fault. She had to fight back, if not for herself, then for James and Anna, they disserved it. And even though there were three members short in her family, she still loved them dead or alive.

The weight of his body dragged her down towards a small drain, she had seen it in the mirror, how he had choked her then squeezed her down the drain. And that was not the end of his torture. It was only the beginning.

She felt her lungs hurt as she was drowning and the black that covered the water was making it hard to see. Her eyes began to burn and the strain on her feet felt like they were being detached. She struggled despite the pull and strain, her heart ached, and she felt her insides swell she was going to bust. Water poured in her mouth in large gulps and the hand that held her made it even harder for her to either swallow or spit out. Maybe this was her time, she had gotten too weak to fight back, and the number of bruises on her body were starting to take its troll.

The surface seemed so far, and the bottom was beneath her back, the figure whom she thought was a man that was indeed a woman sat atop her strangling her to death. She tried despite her weak hands to get free. The woman had blond hair and her face was unclear. Through the small patches of space, sunlight shone through the water, heaven was her final resting place- but then a head blocked it, one with a mass of brawn hair.

Her heart ached.

How could she have been so selfish? She had James to take care of. He moved from the edge and her heart pained, she didn't want to fail James at least not like how she failed Owen and Eli. A green hose was dropped in the water and despite her last bit of strength which was slowly leaving her, she held the material and closed her eyes, if she survived so be it, if she didn't, Anna would know she tried her best.

She was dragged out of the water and a towel was wrapped around her nude body. James' eyes searched hers and she could tell they were filled with so much worry, he fell on her despite she was wet, nude and covered in black.

"Are you okay mom?" He asked and she nodded, even though she was nothing but okay.

Then the doorbell rang.

Then the doorbell rang

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