Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ainsley had been trying to reach Anna for the past six hours, but all he got was a dead end and a person screaming, the first scream had given him an ear bleed, and he had stuffed cotton wool to stop the bleeding from even worsening. He could still hear it in his head, the constant ringing. And now he was on his way to Stones folk it was his last attempt at finding her, even though he knew how much she and her family hated the place.

He hit on the gas. The sky had already darkened, and he didn't want to spend any more minutes outside. He felt his life deepened on the news he had with him. He parked behind a blue Toyota and ran for the door.

He had barely managed to knock when it swung open.

Anna stood there out of breath, with her cheeks red and her nose runny, and a cut along her lower lip. Her hair was a mess about her head and he couldn't help but think of how she looked just awaken from bed, from his bed. She was saying something, but his mind could not understand what she was talking about.

The entrance to the house was large with a set of two double oak doors, the finest from England, and just a few metres behind her, where another set of double doors stood was a mirror, large and nailed to the wall. It was so tall it intimidated him, yet he considered himself tall- tall enough. He looked at Anna who kept on talking out of breath then back at the mirror, he could see himself, but Anna was not there, he could not see her but the strange woman who wore white and had black stains about her body, she walked towards them but in the mirror and with every step she took the mirror gave a groan. Finally she pulled herself out of the reflector and the object was falling.

He dragged Anna towards himself and took a step back, tripping on his injured foot. They both fell to the floor but with him breaking their fall. When they got to their feet, they saw the mirror drip dark blood, it stained the carpet, and its shattered pieces were like little crying children, scattered among itself. He faced her and placed his hands on her arms.

"I need to tell you something Anna, its about Calvert."

She looked back at the glass and nodded. "The man is older than we thought." She said. He nodded even though he didn't understand what she meant.

"Friday was real and the notes and recordings, they are proof of it all, yes I said I couldn't see anything or even hear but now I do, even though the notes don't make sense the recording does a bit. It has us talking, then it goes silent then it says something about mirrors and a house or was it a grave then there is a woman saying something in unintelligible way, then Calvert talks and it repeats itself, but among all that your name is always mentioned. What do you have with all this Anna, how and why are you involved? The mirror, you saw something that day, what did you see?" He didn't wait for her to answer, he brought out his phone and played the cut piece of the recording. It began.

"Long ago when I was- the mirrors see things. It was a dream for me- a reflection of your darker side. Have you ever doubted yourself? I was always- Anna, why did you run away? So surprisingly my family- the boy drowned." The note fell silent, and in the background the sound of a woman talking could be heard, it continued again.

" House mirrors. the girl...graves. died." It took a beat then started again. "mirrors the graves. of the girl..dead.wife"

The silence stretched and then it counited. "Anna.... the graves.. house.mirrors." It stopped, then started again.

"The McCurries....the dead.mirrors..of..graves please, no do not.kill.. I am coming for you Anna."

Ainsley hit the pause button and opened his gallery. It was the first picture there, on the mirror it read Anna Sylvia Tudborough McCurrie. With the Tudborough crossed out but the McCurrie highlighted in blood. He looked at her.

"What is going on and who are the McCurries?"


I pulled Ainsley into the house, taking care not to step in the blood or broken glass, mother and James came running down, claiming they had heard the sound of glass breaking but never heard my calling. I sat down.

" McCurrie is a family name, a generational one for that matter and this house to. It is a name that every person born of the former generation bares, it is a must. It all started years back after a woman from my mother's side married into the family, I am not sure if the name came from the groom or bride, but it was adopted and after they left England and moved down here it became some kind of necessity. No matter the other names you bore you must have a McCurrie added to it."

"It is some stupid tradition. My mother's mother was forced to bear it, so was my mother and so are we. When we were born, she tried to put an end to it, she didn't want us to have the name McCurrie, but something happened one day. A woman turned up at our doorstep and told my mom that we all must have the name or else something evil would befall us, she refused and a few days after my older brother was born, she almost lost her life. My father adopted it to. We are the last line of the McCurries, that I know- or the rest cut themselves off from us, with James being the youngest."

"I doubt there are other distant relatives or cousins out there. Calvert is a McCurrie but I do not know from which side, either my mother's or her father's, the family tree in the library was torn and most parts didn't make sense. The woman, the dead woman, I do not know her name but she is part of the family, how she is related to us, that I do not know"

"If she is one then why is she killing and what does she have to do with you? Why you?" I turned to look at him. "I do not know, nothing I saw or read through in the library made sense she could be anyone, but I know she is related to us, somehow." I swallowed.

"She came after me, as her true self and after my mother as my dead father, she is responsible for the death of my brother Owen, and you, I do not know why but she is coming after you in form of Hannah, or you looked at the mirror and your biggest fears were brought to life. Which she made possible."

He ran a hand through his hair. I looked down and there was an old photo popping from beneath the chair. I brought it out and squinted my eyes. I brought a candle near and raised my eyebrows, Ainsley stood beside. "I know that woman, Ainsley, I know her." I swallowed as i brought the candle lower, he read what I was reading.

"Anna this is a bad idea." But I was not listening.

" But I was not listening

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