"I have a question, Jo." Hero asks and I look at him as we are still walking and the ocean waves are calmer than before.

"And what's that?" I ask.

"I don't want this to sound mean, but are we gonna let my mother meet her?" he says and I breath. "That's honestly up to you." I say and he looks at me. "It's your mother, I honestly don't like her or respect her because she doesn't accept us but if she ever reached out and said she wanted to meet Nora, I don't think we should stop her." I shrug and we turn around and begin walking back to the car. He kisses my forehead, "I totally agree with that." he says absI smile.

1 Week later,

"Do you really need make a picture and set up for her being two weeks old?" Hero asks as I gently wrap Nora in a swaddle and set her down on a pice of cloth with each number of the year on it and put leaves around the number two. "Yes." I look at him dead in the eyes and he throws his hands up laughing.

Obviously I'm not going to post these photos, but I've been taking as many photos of Nora as I can
to remember every moments as she grows up. It's crazy to me how she's already two weeks already! Josh and Stephanie are supposed to come over later today and stay with us for the rest of weekend since its's friday.

"Alright, I'm gonna lay her in the rocker as I put this stuff away." I say and he nods, "I'll make dinner." he says and I grab Nora and cuddle her into blanket in her rocker and turn it on as it slowly will rock her. I go and put everything in a basket in her closet upstairs and then go back downstairs into my bathroom and get ready. I throw on my grey sweater with black leggings and pull my hair into a high ponytail and just do my face care. I put on a pair of black socks and then when I come out of our room and I slid on my feet on the hardwood and Hero looks at me as he's putting noodles into a pot and I grab onto the dining room chair to catch myself. "Shit." I say and look down and start laughing and look up at him and he shakes his head. "Now you're lucky our bedroom and right downstairs with everything or you would of fell right on your ass." he laughs and I pin my lips together laughing. "Can you turn the air down a little, I'm a little cold." He says and I nod as he continues cooking. He's wearing a black hoodie and black jeans and wearing black socks, pretty sure he's wearing my socks and I'm not sure how because he's about a couple more sizes up than me. His hairs messy but it looks amazing, too.

A couple minutes later a knock comes to the door and I run over to it so quickly and Stephanie and Josh are there. "Jo!" he says and pulls me into a hug. "Hey guys!" I say and then Stephanie pulls me into a hug. "Here, let me take your bags." I say and then Stephanie shakes her head, "Oh my gosh you look amazing." she says and I smile. "Oh stop it. Follow me." I laugh and they grab their backs and shut the front door and I begin to lead them to the stairs. "Oh! So no one says hey to Hero?" Hero yells as I look back at him and he raises his eyebrow. "Hey, Hero." Stephanie says. "Shhh, we'll be done in a second." I say and he laughs as he continues cooking and then I bring them upstairs to the guest room. "Here," I say.

"Thanks so much Jo," Stephanie says placing her bag on the floor. "I'll put everything away later, so where is she?!" Stephanie says rubbing her hands together jumping up and down her long brunette hair swaying around. She's wearing a crème colored sweater with leggings, practically matching me but her sweaters thicker. I grab her hand and pull her downstairs with me. The fire place is on and then I grab Nora as she's peacefully sleeping wrapped her blanket and I sit on the couch and Stephanie sits right across from me on the long part of the L couch. "I'll be over in a second," Josh says running his hand through his dark brown hair and then runs over to Hero and they both do their little guy handshake.

"Jo, she's so beautiful." she says caressing her hair.

I just smile and snap a picture of her holding her. "I know." I say and place my phone on the coffee table.

"She litterly is a mini you and Hero. Like she looks exactly like you guys." she smiles and I nod. "I know, it's crazy how much she looks like both of us." I say.

"Do you guys want to have any more kids? Or plan on it?" she asks rocking her and I breath, "I don't know.. we haven't talked about it. I sure would love more kids, you don't even have to ask me that." I laugh.

"Would he want more kids?" she asks.

"I'm not sure, with the way he acts with Nora makes me think he would want a million more kids because he's just so good with her. I feel like if we would, it would be when she would be older because I mean I'm only twenty-four and he's about to be twenty-four too so I mean we still are so young and have so much time." I say and she nods. "I completely understand, I'm only twenty-two and he's twenty-six and he wants to wait to have kids still, but between me and you, I've wanted a kid for like a little over a year now." she says and is raise my eyebrows. "What?" I ask and sit up. "I don't know if he wants any kids.." she says and I rest my hand on her knee. "Aw, Steph. I'm so sorry." I say and she sighs. "I'm not a hundred percent sure, but he always ignores the topic it says we can talk about it a different time." she says.

"I mean, he might and you don't know.. I'm sure he does-" I mean before Hero hops next to me and places his arm around me and I jump slightly as he scared me. "God." I say and he laughs. "Dinners done, for everyone." he says planting a kiss on my forehead then jumping off and I gently pick up Nora and place her in the rocker and Stephanie and I go to the table and we enjoy the pasta and vegtables Hero made.
Oh my goddd I'm so so so so so sorry guys for not updating for about a month, I've been so busy with school but I finally got time to work on this chapter, (which took me like two weeks) I also got distracted and either was busy or not in the mood to right I promise you there will be updates thjs month!! Thanks everyone for being patient and I'm sorry about the wait!! Off topic I also saw After we fell a couple days ago and it was amazing !! anyways comment and vote !!

Much love, A♡︎

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