Chapter 18

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                     (Disclaimer, there could be some trigger warnings in this chapter.) 


I knew I needed to see her, either if she wants me here or not I know I need to be here with her. So that's what I did, my bros told me I should fly here and see her, they said it would be the best decision. By me declining, or saying there is no way I'm going to fly to LA, I ended up agreeing after they basically forced me and here I am now.

I got her flowers on the way here, there wasn't a reason I just thought it'd be a nice gesture for her. I was gonna expect her to run up to me and say hi and I realized my mother would be by so the flowers would be for my "mum", if my mother were to ask but they would obviously be for Josephine. 

Expecting her to run up to me and say hey, or question why I'm here, I am completely caught off guard when right when she turns around to see me she drops her bag and runs to me and jumps into my arms and it is an amazing feeling. Does she not care about my mother seeing her? That's honestly least of my worries right now because I am with her now, in my arms with her legs wrapped around my waist and her hands around my neck with her face snuggled into the side of my neck as my hands wrap around her. 

"Oh my god Hero!!" She says pulling her head back, her hair is straight which is unusual for Jo. and her outfit is cute, must be for her character. 

"Hi Jo," I smile and I put my face even closer to hers to lean into a kiss, as she moves in then pauses and snuggles her head back into my neck. Well so much for a kiss Jo. 

"What are you doing here?" She asks as she smiles and untangles her legs around my waist while I place her back down. 

"I wanted to see you. W-was that okay?" I stutter and she shakes her head fast. 

"Oh my god yes it was okay!" She says and hugs me again. I want to kiss her, but I don't think she wants me to. 

As she pulls back and is about to speak a tan, somewhat tall, brown haired dude walks over to us with Jo's bag. This is the guy she was talking to. 

"I think you dropped something," He somewhat frowns and hands it to Jo. 

"Oh, thank you Josh!" She smiles. Who the fuck is he?

"Of course Jo, see you tomorrow?" He says and points to her. 

"Yep! Bye Josh!" She nods and he turns around and walks away. My smile quickly turns into a slight frown, my mood is completely changed and now I'm pissed. 

"What-" She begins but I cut her off.

"Where's my mum?" I ask and she gets caught off guard and looks around. 

"Oh, uh she won't be here for the rest of the week." She smiles and places both of her hands on the sides of my face, "What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, I need to get a hotel but not in the same building as yours," I say and start walking until she grabs my arm and I turn around. 

"No, y-you.." She begins. 


"You can stay with me. Please?" She asks and puts my hand in hers. Wouldn't she want fucking Josh to stay with her? 

"You'd let me stay with you," I laugh. 

"What's funny about that? Of course I would." She frowns. The girl who begged me to leave her alone, said hurtful shit to me, I went away for her to be happy, is confused when I ask if she would let me stay with her? God this girl is so fucking confusing. 

The Main Dose Of Divid LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz