Chapter 3

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I jump off my couch to a bang still at the door. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I yell and open the door to Hero. 

"Hero?" I say and he pushes pass me into my hotel room. What the hell is he doing here and how did he find my hotel room?

"I'm sorry." He flat out says as I shut the door and walk towards him in the middle of the hotel room. Sorry? This is very funny to hear from Hero even though I haven't even known him a full 24 hours yet but I can tell sorry isn't in his vocabulary. 

"Sorry?" I let out a laugh which makes his eyebrow go up. 

"Yeah. I didn't mean to be rude, Josephine." He says. The way he says my name in such a strong and rude way sends shivers and goosebumps down my spine. I don't know why I feel this way, especially around Hero for all people.

"I get it, apology accepted. You can leave now." I say and cross my arms. 

He shakes his head and walks up close to me and cuffs my jawline which confuses the hell out of me. "What?" I say. 

We make eye contact and he smashes his lips into mine totally catching me off guard. His tongue tries to get into my mouth and I open for access than I quickly push him off me. "Hero!" I shout and wipe my lips. 

"Yeah?" He says and wipes the corner of his lips and smirks. What the hell just happened?

"Why the hell did you just kiss me!" I say and throw my hands into the air. 

"I- I don't know." He lies. I know there is a reason he just kissed me and I've had such a long day and this is going to make things much more complicated and chaotic.

"You're lying!" I shout. 

"How am I lying? I said I don't know why I did it now drop it." He says and plops himself onto the couch. What the hell? 

"Make yourself at home why don't you." I say and pour myself a glass of water quickly before walking back over to him. 

"Already am." He says and leans back with his hands behind his head and his legs stretched out with one crossed over the other.

"Hero, you seriously need to leave." I say still upset about his kiss. 

"Come on, can I stay?" He says and leans all the way down so it back is on the edge of the couch. 

"Hero! After what you just pulled you need to leave." I say and grab his wrist and pull him up. 

"Fuck! Fine, I said I didn't mean to kiss you and you're making it into something it's not." He puts his hands in his pockets and rocks back and forth. This dick just kissed me and asked if he could stay but I'm making it into something it's not. I don't even know this guy. 

"Nice meeting you Hero." I say leading him out of the hotel door. 

"Bye." He says and walks down the hall as I slam my hotel door shut not worrying if I wake up anyone else on this floor. 

It's around nine and I'm so exhausted from this eventful day and I plan on going out tomorrow night with Mia and I have a meeting planned with Dana. I hope Hero will not tag along but knowing him he will just to annoy me. I really dislike him. 


I wake up to a burning sound of my alarm replaying over and over. I look at the time and it's exactly eight and my first meeting is around nine so I hopefully made the right decision waking up a hour early. 

I quickly get into the shower, once I'm out I actually have time to blow dry my hair, which I do. I curl my hair once it's dry and just put on a little but of mascara to brighten my look. I'm meeting with my director and producer again including some of my amazing co-stars. 

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