Chapter 11

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Just calm down. Calm down. It's six in the morning I need to sleep but I can't go to bed without reading this message.

Don't do it Josephine, don't do it. I'm sitting up in my bed with no lights on with the sunrise slowly coming up holding my phone debating whether or not to open this message. It really could be anything, she could be asking me where I'm at or tell me she's coming here. 

I hold my phone sliding on the message for about another hour until I eventually doze off to sleep.

I wake up and look at the time on the clock on the wall across from my bed and it's one pm? I jump out of bed and quickly curl my hair and place on some mascara and powder and change into a bra and panties and rush to the closet until I get a knock at my door. 

"One minute!" I shout and grab a white blouse with dark denim jeans. Once I look in the mirror and pat down my shirt and I look pretty good I go to open the door. 

"Are you okay?" Hero says and walks into the hotel. He's wearing a white t-shirt with black jeans and white trainers on with his hair slicked back and his chains that rest on his shirt are looking incredibly hot, well he does in general. 

I walk into the bedroom and Hero follows me and I grab socks and sit on the edge of the bed and place them on. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" 

"You didn't answer my texts." He pulls his phone out of his pocket and points to it.

"I woke up late, I was up all night." I stand up and grab my phone to a text still from my mother unopened and a miss call from Hero and messages from Hero saying good morning or just spamming my name. 

I walk into the living room with Hero following me and he plops onto the couch and I go to the counter and make myself some coffee. 

"Wanna talk about it?" 

"Not really, just overwhelmed really." I smile even though he can't see me. "Where's your mum?" I ask and pour the coffee into the mug. 

"Out all day, well maybe all week." He says and leans his head back to look at me and winks. 

I pour creamer into the coffee then sit down onto the other couch and place my coffee on the coffee table. 

"I don't bite." He chuckles and I stand up and sit next to him on the other couch. "That's a lie." I giggle and he smiles. 

"What do you wanna do today?" He asks and grabs my coffee and takes a sip. "Needs more creamer." 

Dana is actually letting Hero and I hangout, which I mean we have already been hanging out.. though she did let me know I can't catch any feelings but I mean I let her know that nothing will happen and that I "sincerely" just want to be nice because Hero won't have anyone here until his friends come visit friday and it's tuesday so we really have all week to hangout and do us. 

"Does it now." I say and stand up and he grabs my wrist and pulls me back down that I'm straddling his lap. 

"I said, what do you wanna do today Josephine?" He smirks. God if only he knew what he does to me. 

"U-up to you.." I stutter and he chuckles and I turn my head away from him in shyness. 

He places a finger under my chin which turns me back to look at him. 

"You look really good today, I meant to say that when I walked in here." He places the hair in front of my face behind my ears. His touch always brings a chill down my spine and my skin burns from the affection and how he makes me feel.

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