Chapter 30

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Could be some tw // enjoy reading <3


"Morning." I say to Hero as I look up at him as I'm in his arms.

"Good morning baby." he says into my ear placing a kiss on my lips.

"Hero," I ask and he pulls me closer and leans his head back against the headboard.

"I think I wanna move here." I admit and his face goes wide.

"What!" He jumps out of the bed in only his boxers. "Are you serious!" He shouts and he forms a big grin and I lean up against the headboard.

"Yes, I love you and who cares if your mom asks why I'm moving here, me and you are dating, we love each other and I'm not letting go of what we have."

"Jo!" He grabs me by my waist off the bed quickly and I let out a yelp at the action. He holds me up adledging me to place my legs around his waist, I do just that and place my arms around his neck.

"I love you so much." He says as he smashes his lips against mine.

"I love you Hero." I say pulling onto him tighter.


I'm at a cafe that's in the city. It's nice but a bit expensive but I have sure enough money to pay for it.

I invited Dana here to ask her, well no. Tell her I'm moving to london and there's nothing she can possibly do to change my mind. She's not my mom, I have myself and that's all I need. I have some other family in perth obviously whom I'm not that close with except my Aunt Joc. Hero doesn't even know anything about that..I don't know anything really about his family life either. Now that I'm thinking about it.. Hero and I barely well somewhat don't know each other at all really, I know little things...I mean personal things. He has siblings...I think? Where's his dad? He has to find out about my past which I'm not ready for but to be honest Hero and I very different in many ways but that is what makes us perfect for each other.

"Hey Jo!" Dana says as she sits down across from my placing her white purse on the table.

I adjust my white sweater, "Hey dana," I sigh and lift up my water to drink before I begin to speak Dana starts talking.

"So, we leave for los angeles tomorrow! You excited to go back home?" she smiles drinking her white wine I ordered for her before she came here.

"Yeah," I take a deep breath. "About that."

"Don't worry! We will look for an apartment as soon as we get there! Don't stress it!"

"No, I'm moving here." I say and her smile drops and so does her jaw. Oh boy..

"You're what?" She laughs. "April fools is next year."

"I wanna move here, so..I am." I tell her leaning up on the table. I'm not scared, and I'm not worried about what Dana thinks. I'm more independent now, as I've gotten more mature for that matter so I don't need Dana's useless input and snark remarks on anything I do anymore. I was so dependable on Dana and needed her for everything, as that means listening to whatever she says. As I realized these past months, well really when I met Hero, I've grown more and all I need is myself. I don't need or want her pity.

"You have no one here?"

"Doesn't matter, I can make friends."

"Josh?" Oh shit, I never told her.

"We broke up." I take a sip of my water and shrug. " I meant to tell you but it just wasn't working out."

"Josephine! What has gotten into you!! You're an actress you know! This is terrible for publicity! I've been off my phone so the rumors are most likely all over social media!" She places her hands over her fully makeup face. "What were you thinking!"

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