Chapter 9

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I wake up to a warm arm around me holding me tight and gently. My head on his shoulder and his head leaning against mine. Once I wake up from my daze and still half asleep on the plane I look at the time and it's 4pm? How did I sleep that long? I still have about 6 more hours on this boring plane but god to be in Hero's arms forever could we be a dream, it felt like one. 

I quickly lift my head slightly up and hold his neck and rest him onto my shoulder not trying to wake him up but of course he wakes up. 

"Morning." He says stretching his arms out. 

"It's four in the afternoon, but good morning to you too." I giggle. 

"You know, I wish we could be like that all the time." He adds. 

"Hm, like what?" I ask and turn to him. 

"In each others arms, carefree and not have to hide it." I don't think he's ready for the conversation of how I could possibly risk my career for this?

"Yeah," I turn toward the window. "One day." 

I just hear him sigh and I get my kindle and start focusing and reading a book that will pull me out of my thoughts. 

It's so crazy but I care about Hero a lot no matter how much I'd hate to admit it. He makes me feel so wanted and even though this has been going on for not even a week, I surely have hell a lot of feelings for this boy, whom I shouldn't. Which, I need to do something about.

An hour passes of it being silent between Hero and I, I wanna say something but I'm still so incredibly tired. 

"Anything to drink?" A waiter comes up to us. 

"A vodka shot please, with a lime." Hero says. 

"A strawberry daiquiri, thank you." 

The waiter nods and walks away. 

"Strawberry Daiquiri? Interesting." Hero says and turns toward me. 

"It's good." 

"I'm sure it is Josephine." He sighs. What's wrong with him? 

"What's wrong with you?" I ask and turn to him. 

"What makes you think somethings wrong?" he places his phone on his lap, "What's wrong with you?" 

"What? Nothing." I say and play around with the hair in front of my face. 

"Good." Hero says and tucks the hair behind my ears and smiles. That was the most confusing occurence ever. Well besides-... yeah no. 

"Here you go, enjoy." The waiter says and places drinks onto our trays. 

"God, I haven't had a drink for a while!" He says and squeezes his lime into his drink. 

"We were just at the club this week, you know that?" I giggle. 

"Oh, I know that. That was the night I stayed with some blonde haired girl and we-" He begins and I swat his arm."

"Okay!" I giggle.

"You know, I can get my hotel on the same floor as yours." He takes a sip of his drink while looking at me. 

"Yeah, well. The floor is just for the cast and crew, maybe the floor above mine." I say and tap his nose. 

"Yeah, yeah. So i'll have to sneak down every night? That's bullshit." 

"Every night?" I swallow a gulp of air down my throat. 

"I said sneak, not stay. Don't worry." He winks and suddenly my sense are not calm as they were before, my braincells are all over the place. 

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