Hiruzen speaks "I see. Naruto you must understand when you live on your own you will have to cook by yourself, bring food for yourself, clean your clothes, keep your home clean and when you have guests over or when you find any of your Uzumaki clan relatives." Naruto answers "I know grandpa. Right now I want to prepare myself for when I soon start living in my real home. I will want to start living in an apartment." Hiruzen speaks "Alright Naruto you can live in an apartment until you reveal your true name. Now give me one hour, I'm positive I can find an apartment big enough for you and your house guests. Until then, I assume you want to read the contents of the letters and take a look at the items your parents left for you and want to explore more of your house. You could find something very interesting at the house." he said giving him a significant glance, complete with chin down and eyebrow raised. Naruto suddenly seemed to remember about the letters and the items. He looked and replied "Yes, that will do, grandpa." Hiruzen nods at Naruto and then leaves to start finding an apartment for Naruto.

Naruto then looks towards at all of the items his parents left for him. He picks up the first letter and Naruto looks at the envelope reads the kanji symbol with wide eyes and it says "Mom". His hands shaking because of nerves, he opened the letter.

Naruto was a pretty fast reader. Not because he was eager to finish the books early, more like he was forced to become a fast reader. The people at the orphanage would give him books, but would then take them away very quickly. Which is why he forced himself to become a fast reader, besides having an eidetic memory he also has a photographic memory as well how he remembers all the stuff he has read or seen. This letter he read very slowly, wanting to read each word his mother said in her letter.

Dear Naruto,

Oh, my sweet little child, how I wish that I were still alive to see you grow into a fine young man like your father. I'm writing this letter in case something happens to us and you are left alone. If you are reading this, it means that we are not among the living. We are so sorry for leaving you, baby.

First things first, I love you with all my heart, Naruto. A mother never stops loving her child, even in death. Know that I am still watching over you, and another thing, don't you dare visit me unless you are a hundred and ten years old! I want you to live a full and happy life and only die of old age.

Second, when you become a shinobi. remember the three vices the shinobi life. First is alcohol, please be responsible about it and don't become a drunk. Second is money, use it responsibly and try not to waste it. If you DO want to waste it, better do it on the kunoichi of your dreams, who is your girlfriend and that she is your wife. The third is women, and as your mother, I absolutely GOD almighty forbid you to become a pervert and a womanizer! Respect women and also, find the kunoichi of your dreams that you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. Don't settle for anything less!

I have left you two of my swords if you're interested with learning kenjutsu and if you do I hope you become a strong kenjutsu user and that you pass on your skills to your own children when you're married, you can also teach your girlfriend/wife if she is interested in kenjutsu. Another thing I left for you is the Uzumaki clan necklace and the Uzumaki clan ring that you'll wear in memory of me and I have also left an extra ring and necklace for you that you will give to the woman you love when you're married. The last thing I left for you is a ring with what your father proposed to me with, give it to the girl you believe will love you for the rest of your life.

Once again, your father and I love you, no matter what. Remember that Naruto.

With love,

Kushina Uzumaki.

P.S. Learn sealing jutsu. The Uzumaki's were known for it and your father mastered it as well. I have left ten volumes of sealing jutsu that I got from the Uzumaki clan archives, everything you need to become a master. When you have a family of your own Naruto teach your children sealing jutsu as well. Best of luck, baby!

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