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The next night, Louis had another soccer game and like usual I was waiting on the bleachers for him to come out. He was one of the last ones in so I knew he would be one of the last ones out, not wanting to draw any attention to himself. I got bored, so I decide to walk around, but stay close by. I wasn’t paying attention and was suddenly on my back. I didn’t fall, so I wasn’t sure what happened. I leaned up on my elbows and looked around. I didn’t see anything so I shrugged my shoulders and stood, dusting off my jeans. Suddenly, a wisp of air flies by me and I recognize the sent. Why is she here? Better yet, what is she doing?

“Elena?” I asked quietly.

“Yes?” I hear behind me. I spin around expecting to see her, but find nothing. I hear her laugh to my left and look to again see nothing. I feel something pull on the back of my jacket and I am pulled to the ground once again.

“What is your problem?” I ask standing up to brush my jeans off again.

“You are,” she growled.

“What have I done to you? Louis and I have stayed away from you and Stefan. We haven’t done anything,” I said into the air. I heard her laugh.

“You are so simple minded. It’s not what you have done,” I felt her push me back against the wall and then she revealed herself to me. “It’s what you are becoming.”

“I don’t understand,” I told her.

“No, but you will,” she said as she released me. “Talk to Damon some more. I’m sure he would love to help you.” She sped off leaving me to my thoughts. Louis walked out of the locker room just after she left to see me standing against the wall with a confused look on my face. He rushed over to me.

“Are you alright? Did something happen?” he asked.

“I’m fine. We can talk about it later,” I smiled at him.

“You sure?” he asked. I nodded my head yes and kissed his cheek. We walked back to my dorm and sat on the bed. “Alright, will you tell me now?” I looked at him and sighed.

“We need to talk to Damon again,” I said before explaining what went on.

“Elena did that?” he asked shocked.

“Yea, and the last thing she said was to talk to Damon, granted she said it sarcastically. He has to know something,” I told him. He nodded in agreement.

“I’ll text him now,” he said as he pulled his phone out and texted Damon.

“I think we should consider moving as well. I want the people here to be safe. You never know what might happen now that we are both vampires,” I told him.

“Alright, whatever you want,” he smiled at me. “You find us a place and we’ll move.” He kissed my forehead and his phone vibrated. He looked down at it. “He says to meet him at that old house in an hour.”

“But it’s dark,” I said.

“We’ll be alright, besides Damon will be with us,” he told me. The house was thirty minutes outside of town, so we goofed off for a bit before we left.  We pulled up in front of the house once again. It looked even creepier at night. We walked in and found Damon in the living room waiting for us.

“Everything alright?” he asked.

“No, not really,” I said. We sat on the couch across from him.

“What happened?” he asked.  I proceeded to tell him about Elena’s actions and what she said to me. I could see him grow angrier with each minute that passed. “Elena did this?” he asked to be sure.

“Yes,” I told him. “What did she mean when she said ‘what I am becoming’?” I asked. He took a breath and looked up at me.

“I wasn’t sure at first, but when you started developing all these powers and abilities without being taught, I knew,” he said.

“Knew what?” Louis asked.

“Jasmine, I’m not sure you are ready to hear this, but since she knows about it and I haven’t been the one to tell her, there’s no telling who else knows. You need to know so that we can prepare you in case anyone else tries to do something worse than Elena’s little stunt. You are becoming a hybrid.”

“What exactly is that? Is it bad?” I asked.

“No, not really. Some people don’t understand it, but the hybrids that are like you are the most powerful beings on the planet, even more so than vampires. Which is probably why Elena didn’t try to hurt you.”

“So, if I am a hybrid, what am I mixed with?”

“Well, judging from your gifts, I would have to say that you are half Vampire and half Fae.”

“What is a Fae?” Louis asked.

“The word Fae is another name for a fairy,” Damon explained.

“I’m half fairy?” I laughed.

“Don’t laugh. Fae are noble creatures,” he said. He went into a full explanation of what Fae were and how they came to be intertwined with vampires.

“So basically I was half Fae before I was turned but I didn’t know it.”

“Yes,” he said.

“Why wouldn’t I have known?”

“You most likely hadn’t come into your powers yet,” he explained. “The event that triggers a Fae’s powers is different with each Fae. With you, I’m guessing it was being turned. So, technically you were meant to be a vampire,” he smiled.

“Wow,” I said.

“Exactly,” he smiled. I sat back against the couch and replayed everything he just told me.

“So wait, more people or beings might be after me worse than Elena?”

“Unfortunately, if they have learned what you are then yes.”

“What do I do?” I asked.

“Train as much as you can. I will give you instructions on how to train. You can come here as often as you want and use the house and land. Other than that, work on developing what gifts you already have and you should be fine. Louis is with you, so you will have him as an advantage,” he smiled at Louis.

“What does that mean?” Louis asked.

“Well, since you two made the bond, and she is half Fae, her powers transfer to you as well, just not as quickly, so prepare for new things to happen to you soon,” he told Louis. “You will be able to do everything that she can.” I glanced at Louis with wide eyes. I hoped everything would be alright and that nothing would happen to him. I loved him and I didn’t want to be without him. My powers will be enough to save both of us… Right?

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