Stage 6: Piloting a Mobile Suit Gundam Is Hard

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-Classroom 3A: A Few Hours Ago-

A few hours had passed since The Helios Clan had set up their base, each of their members where either killing time by working on their machine, playing a video game or watching a video.

The door busted through as it was no other than Glacier as she shouted "GUYS! BAD NEWS! I WAS SPOTTED BY NOT ONLY 3 PEOPLE WHO HAD THE SAME POWER AS US BUT LADYBUG AND CAT NOIR TOO!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing as they looked at Glacier.

"W-what?! Glacier are you sure?!" Storm asked.

The young assassin nodded as she said to her elder cousin "Dark! What are we gonna do?! At this rate, The Cross Dimension Crew will spot us!"

The Boy named Dark gave a sigh as he said "Fine might as well pull out our tro-"

"Not necessary Big Brother.."

The family turned to see Neo holding a defeated Soul Evans Alabarn and an injured Adrien Agreste with his staff along with Plagg who was chained and trapped in chains.

"Whoa Neo! You took out both members of the CDC?" Dochi asked.

"Yep! They weren't so tough!" Neo chuckled with pride.

"Yeah explain those scratches tough guy.." Nature asked as he pinched his cheek.

"Owowowowo! Nature!" Neo shouted

"So where are you gonna put them?" Dark asked his brother, Light.

Light looked at the two boys and Plagg as he was unsure what to do. Neo suggested "how about we put the white haired one in the cafeteria..I think we can learn more about the CDC if we tourture him a for the young Agreste..leave him and his pet with us... I think we can use him to get Gabriel Agreste to work with us!"

"There he is! The born genius!" Dochi said as he hugged Neo.

"You surprise me everytime Neo.." Light said with a smile. "Okay...Let's go with Neo's Plan.. Glacier..You take Soul to the Cafeteria. Mr. Agreste will spend some time with us in the next classroom upstairs..we got a bargaining video to make.."


(Opening Theme: Food Wars The Third Plate OP 1-BRAVER Performed by ZAQ)

Sunset's eyes flashed back to reality as she pushed back with a huff. She had been doing her best to collect herself.

"Sunset! Are you alright?!" Cherry asked.

Sunset nodded as she said "yeah i'm fine.." She wiped away more blood from her nose as she stood up "I may not know where Cat Noir is... But I do know where Soul is located, as well as Adrien! They planned on using him as a bargaining chip to his dad!"

The Group's expressions turned into surprise as they couldn't believe it; little did they know Ladybug had another worry on her mind.

"Oh no, Adrien!" Ladybug thought as she teared up, "Neo...If he found out your secret identity, there's a good chance he'll find out ours too! If that information gets leaked to the public, then there's a chance he'll attack us... And take our miraculous!"

"What should we do next?" Twilight asked.

Sunset looked at her injuries as well as everyone else's with the exception of Cherry's "We update Adofo on the situation, and find some place with a first aid kit before we go to the fourth floor to rescue Soul. Then we find Plagg and Adrien before they could make that bargain! Afterwards we regroup with Adofo and the others to figure out the next plan."

The CDC High School Adventures V3: The Dark WaveWhere stories live. Discover now