Stage 1: Get Excited!

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(Opening Theme: Food Wars The Third Plate OP 1-BRAVER Performed by ZAQ)

-Canterlot High School; Cafeteria-

In Canterlot High, The Cross Dimension Crew began their meeting for the science fair. However, after the recent events involving a certain duo, the group must prepare for the unexpected.

"Okay we got the project done." Soul told them, "Freaking finally."

"Took us two weeks but here we are." Applejack added.

"After this, I wanna relax.." Pinkie said as her face was on the floor. "Too much science.."

"Do we really have to go to the science fair?" Rainbow Dash complained, "I had tickets to see that new horror flick today! Zombie Wonderland 2: Rise of the Menace!"

"Rainbow Dash, you of all people should know that the science fair is a major part of the grade." Twilight said, "And after getting that D on your test you need the extra boost!"

Sunset added, "yeah not to mention you almost got kicked out of the soccer team because of that grade."

Rainbow Dash was shocked before she asked "WHAT ABOUT ADOFO?!"

The group looked over to Adofo who was currently banging his head on the table as he was groaning.


"Uhh are you okay?" Cherry asked.

"OKAY?! OKAY?!" Adofo shouted "I'm lucky enough to be alive and well from our project but this really gets me even more stressed damn it!"

"His ma found out about his grade." Zeo said as he came out of his hair, "She said I quote, 'If you don't improve on your grade than I will take away your Toonami privileges.'"

The group looked unamused at this while Adofo was in panic mode right now as well as Pinkie.

"Oh no... That would be terrible." Applejack said sarcastically.

"Seriously dude?" Soul said, "If I can go for a month without TV, than you can go one whole day without Toonami."

Adofo immediately shouted as he glared daggers at Soul, "Don't be a heretic! One day I miss it equals cancellation for the block!"

"Yeah! How is Kester Team supposed to air Toonami when it gets the boot!?" Pinkie asked.


"Okay, you DEFINITELY need a break from TV." Rainbow Dash said, "This is too much even for me."

Adofo looked to have a crazy face as he said, "TV is the only way I don't think of the Dangers that don't try to kill us everyday.."

"But you do dangerous things all the time, even when we're not on the job!" Applejack said.

"Some of them are a bit unnecessary." Cherry pointed out.

Adofo couldn't help but cry a little as he said, "Et tu, Cherry Blossom"

"Speaking of dangers, you think during that science fair...we might encounter Bill and Zack again like in Equestria Land?" Twilight asked, "They haven't been seen in over a month."

"That's true." Adofo said "Things have been Quiet... We should be happy..but then again."

"Maybe they fled to Mexico and helped themselves to some churros!" Pinkie said with a smile.

Adofo whacked his girlfriend with a roll of newspaper as he said "Yeah sure these dangerous Villains decided to take a vacay to the other side of the country after causing mayhem in ours--MAYBE THEY SHOULD PUT THEIR STATUS UPDATE TO GONE FISHING FOR BODIES!"

The CDC High School Adventures V3: The Dark WaveWhere stories live. Discover now