Chapter 12

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It was the night of the ball. Enasti was going to tell Fives that she remembered everything and how she felt. The only hurdle was building up the courage to do so. She was frantically pacing around in her ravishing lavender ball gown behind curtains, occasionally peeking out to see if he had arrived yet only to be disappointed that he was nowhere to be seen.

Padme noticed this and told her, "He'll be here. Don't worry."

"I'm not worried. I'm perfectly composed", she really wasn't, "But what if he doesn't feel the same? I mean, I've been a thorn in his side this whole time and I didn't even know all that he'd done for me! I could've been a little more grateful but I just tossed him aside as soon as I came back to you! You don't do that to the people you care about! I should-"

"Hush", Padme held her by the shoulders, "Enasti, you need to stop worrying. I know everything seems terrifying right now but try thinking rationally. He's been there for you for this long and never wanted a shred of recognition, only your happiness. I'm sure he's satisfied with you happy."

Enasti took a deep breath, "You're right, as always. I mean, our entire history is slowly coming back to me and... he's been with me for this long."

She sighed, taking one more peek from the curtain before it was time for them to appear before the crowd. Mild fanfare played and Padme went out before the crowd before nodding to Enasti, who was still behind the curtain, to join her. She slowly stepped out and, upon seeing her, the crowd nearly blew the roof open with their cheers. Enasti felt slowly rising pride as she set her eyes on the crowd. Even though Fives wasn't there, she was still filled with happiness at how joyful so many people were that she had returned.

Padme went before the crowd and announced, "Thank you all for coming. This is a truly momentous occasion as my darling girl, my Enasti, has returned to us."

The crowd cheered once again.

"Though it has taken a long while and a very treacherous journey for her to travail, it brings me no greater joy to see Naboo's beautiful flower home at last. Tonight is a celebration of survival, of courage, and of homecoming!"

While Padme continued her speech, Enasti continued to search for her love in the crowd but to no avail.

Padme concluded her speech by picking up a glass of champagne and raising it up, "I raise this glass in honour of the homecoming of our Duchess. To Enasti!"

The crowd mimicked her, "To Enasti!"

Enasti smiled and bowed before the music and dancing began.

While sitting on her throne, Padme looked at her daughter as if to say, "Go on."

She took a deep breath before carefully and gracefully walking down into the crowd to try and find the man of her dreams. While meandering and dodging her way through the dancing crowd, near the very back of the ballroom, through more of the crowd, she found the man she'd been looking for all night. As soon as she saw his face, and he saw hers, her heart started beating a mile a minute.

Enasti, Fives, Both

My God, my heart beats faster
And my mind is racing
Could it be...?
Is it true that you've come back to me?

Enasti continued weaving in and out of the crowd, trying desperately to reach Fives.

I know those eyes following me
Dark and familiar and deep as the sea
I know that face, strange though it seems
Younger and kinder it haunts all my dreams

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