Chapter 4

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While Elya was about to embark on the biggest journey she would ever face, on the other side of Republic City in an abandoned apartment block, supposedly previously belonging to Padme Amidala, ex-Clone Troopers Fives and Echo were secretly living together, devising a scheme to escape Coruscant and learn to survive in their strange new galaxy.

While out looking for quick jobs to get some quick credits, Fives and Echo found themselves immersed in the city's propaganda of the 'New Galactic Republic'.

"We hear you, people! The Republic hears you! Together, we will forge a new Republic that will be the envy of all the galaxy! The Emperor's Imperial City is now the people's City of Spires!", a revolutionary announced.

"They can call it the 'City of Spires', but it will always be Republic City! New name, same empty stomachs", Fives groaned.

Fives, Echo, Both Chorus

They tell us times are better
Well, I say they're not
Can't cook an empty promise
In an empty pot
"A brighter day is dawning! It's almost at hand!"

The skies are grey, the walls have ears
And he who argues disappears!

Hail our brave new land!

Coruscant is booming
A city on the rise
It's really very friendly
If you don't mind spies!
We stand behind our leaders
And stand in line for food
We're good loyal subjects and our favourite colour's blue

We're living in the rubble
Always pushing the brooms
Two-dozen total strangers live in two small rooms
You stop imperialism, and here's the price you pay
Thank goodness for the gossip
That gets us through the day

As she was nearing the sheer centre of Republic City, Elya overheard the whispering and gossiping of the townsfolk.

Have you heard?
There's a rumor here in Coruscant
Have you heard
What they're saying on the street?

Although most did not survive
A queen's daughter may be still alive

The Duchess Enasti!

(Ironically, the one part Elya didn't hear)

But please do not repeat!

It's a rumor, a legend, a mystery
Something whispered in an alleyway
Or through a crack
It's a rumor that's part of our history!

They say Queen Amidala will pay a royal sum

To someone who can bring the Duchess back!

Fives and Echo met up in the square with Echo looking nervous.

"Fives! They've closed another border. We should've gotten out of Coruscant while we still could", Echo sighed.

Coruscant was lovely when the Republic was in
I called myself a senator as I've always been
I hobnobbed with the high class, but then a change of luck
Jedi were dead, senators fled
And now, I fear, we're stuck!

"Echo, I've been thinking about... Duchess Enasti", Fives told him.

"Oh, not you too, Fives", Echo groaned.

It's the rumor, the legend, the mystery
It's the Duchess Enasti who will help us fly
You and I, friend, will go down in history

We'll find a girl to play the part and teach her what to say
Dress her up and take her to Naboo

Imagine the reward the lovely Senator will pay

Who else could pull it off but me and you?

Not too far away from them, Fives heard a truck backfire and the cry of a frightened girl.

"AH!", she cried.

Out of his good nature, Fives went over to her and told her, "Hey, don't worry. It was a truck backfiring. That's all it was. You're shaking. Do you-"

"I'm alright, thank you", she assured him, not looking up from the ground.

She walked away quickly and despite not seeing her face, something felt familiar about her to Fives. He and Echo continued to browse through the markets.

90 credits for this painting
It's Amidala, I swear!

Count Cadaman's pyjamas, people
Buy the pair!

I found this in a palace
Initialled with an E
It could be Enasti's!
Now what will you pay me?

Fives asked his brother, "Echo, do you believe in fairy tales?"

He sighed, "Once upon a time I did."

"We're going to create a fairy tale for the whole galaxy to believe in!"

Now it's risky, but not more than usual
We'll need chain codes, we'll need tickets, we'll need nerves of steel

Yes, it's risky, a lot more than usual

We'll try to leave the planet with our Duchess and our plot

Hopefully disaster won't ensue

With luck, it'll all go smoothly

And with luck we won't be shot

Who else could pull it off but me and you!

We'll be rich!

We'll be rich!

We'll be out!

We'll be out!

And then Coruscant will have some more to talk about!

I heard it from a person who
Assured me it was absolutely true

Have you heard?
There's a rumor here in Coruscant
Have you heard?
People, what do you suppose?

A fascinating mystery

The biggest con in history!

The Duchess Enasti!
Alive or Dead
Who knows?

Elya continued her journey throughout Republic City and eventually found a place she could take a shuttle off Coruscant.

She went up to the counter and asked, "One ticket to... Naboo, please."

"Chain code", the ticket agent asked.

"A... chain code?", Elya repeated, confused.

"No chain code? No ticket. Move along", he told her.

She moved along, hanging her head when an old woman went up to her and whispered, "Find Fives. He can help you."

Something about the name 'Fives' sounded very familiar to Elya but, as she was conditioned to do, she disregarded it like she did most things to do with her past.

"Where can I find him?", she whispered.

"At the Senator's old apartments, near the old Senate Building. But you didn't hear it from me", she told Elya.

"Right", she hurried away while repeating the name in her head.

Elya spent several hours searching for the Senator's old apartments. She'd asked directions from nearly everyone in the city and by the time she found it, she was ready to drop dead. But her determination kept her awake.

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