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It was a warm evening in Coruscant. A grand parade had just been held earlier in the day. It was in celebration of a peace treaty between the Republic and one of the neutral systems. And Senator Padme Amidala and Duchess Enasti Amidala were near the centre of it. Back at their residence in Coruscant, Padme had called Enasti aside to tell her something.

"You wanted to talk to me, Padme? Is something wrong?", the young lady asked.

"Nothing's wrong, my dear", Padme assured her, chuckling a little, "I just needed to show you something."

The senator showed her a beautiful music box and a necklace.

"'Together in Theed'", Enasti read off the necklace.

"And look", Padme said as she put the charm on the necklace into the music box.

The box opened and started playing a song.

Enasti let out a small gasp, "Our lullaby."

"So that, while I'm gone, you'll still have a part of me to keep with you until you can join me", Padme explained.

The two started singing along to the lullaby,

Far away,
'Cross the sea,
Hear this song and remember

Soon you'll be
Home with me
Once upon a December

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