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They flooded the loft with water, Gwen swallowing nervously as Isaac and Boyd turned the power on before Boyd threw the cable into the water, sending an electric current sizzling through it. Gwen crossed her arms over her chest nervously.

     "Is this going to kill them?" Isaac questioned.

     "I hope so." Boyd answered.

      "Hope doesn't seem to be enough nowadays." Gwen muttered under her breath, though they all clearly heard her. Gwen, Isaac, and Boyd all sat there, Gwen sitting beside of her boyfriend as her knees were pulled up to her chest with her chin placed on her knees. That's when Isaac noticed the machine that alerted Derek of anyone's presence.

     "Isn't that light supposed to be on?" Isaac questioned.

     Derek followed his eyeline, his shoulders suddenly tensing. "Yeah."

      "What does it mean if it's not on?"

      "Someone cut the auxiliary power." Derek answered.

      "Great." Gwen muttered.

      "What about the main―︎" And then all of the lights went off.

       Gwen turned her head to look at Isaac, glaring at him. "You just had to say something." They were all quick to stand up in alert. Derek looked down at the water, walking forwards before stepping into the water, no shock or electricity bringing him down to his knees. He continued to walk through the water until he was standing directly in the middle of his loft.

     "Derek. . ." Isaac hesitated. "What do we do now?"

     That's when his eyes started to glow red as he slowly looked up. "We fight." Isaac, Boyd, and Gwen were all quick to join Derek's side.

     The sound of the loft door pulling open grabbed their attention, revealing Kali standing there. She took a few steps forwards. "Gonna be honest, Derek. When Ennis died, I thought to myself I'd just go for it. Find you and kill you. Wherever you stood. Then I remembered how you surround yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them, and I thought 'what's a girl got to do to get you alone?'" That's when she turned her head, revealing Ethan and Aiden who held Jennifer with their claws to her throat.

     Kali turned back with a smirk on her features. "You and me Derek, or they tear her apart. What do you say? You think you can beat me one on one?" Derek nodded for the three teenagers to move to the side, and reluctantly they did so.

They watched the two fight one another, listening to Jennifer's screams every time a new scratch was drawn onto Derek's body. The trio desperately wanted to jump in, but the couldn't. And so instead they were forced to stand by and watching as Derek was bloodied up by the female alpha. Kali kicked Derek face down into the water. He was quick to get up, a growl falling from his lips as he turned around to face her.

She jumped from the table, landing in front of Derek before kicking him, sending flying across the room. Jennifer yelled out and Isaac went to run forwards but Derek was quick to stop him causing Gwen to grab onto Isaac's wrist, Isaac quickly yelling at Boyd to wait. Kali and Derek continued to fight, and for a second Derek had the upper hand until Kali sent him flying into the water once again.

Gwen watched as Isaac pulled out his phone, a text from Stiles reading "Now" running on the screen. Isaac was quick to shoot forwards, running through the water and towards the twins, shoving them out of the way and quickly grabbing onto Jennifer. Boyd was quick to jump into the water, just as the electricity was turned back on. Boyd, Derek, and Kali were all forced to their knees due to electricity.

     "Take him!" Kali yelled. The twins ran forwards, grabbing onto Derek whilst Kali went over to Boyd. Gwen watched in horror as the twins took Derek's clawed hands, forcing them towards Boyd. Derek's claws impaled Boyd in the stomach, a gasp falling from Gwen's lips as tears immediately filled her eyes.

     Kali started to walk away. "I'm giving you until the next full moon, Derek. Make the smart choice. Join the pack. . . or next time I'm killing all of you." And then she left, with the twins following after her.

     "It's okay." Boyd muttered.

     "No, no it's not." Derek denied, shaking his head. "It's not."

     "It's okay, Derek."

     Tears ran down his face as he met Boyd's eyes. "I'm―︎I'm sorry."

     "The full moon. That feeling. . . that was worth it." He swallowed thickly trying to gain his breath. "There's a lunar eclipse. I always wondered what. . . what that felt like for one of us. For one of us. . ." And then, he fell into the water. Gwen grabbed onto the wall, falling to her knees as she placed a hand over her mouth as silent sobs fell from her lips. Boyd was dead. Kali had killed him. And now, they were going to kill her.

 And now, they were going to kill her

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𝐈𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐑━︎━︎I. Lahey ✓︎Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz