Chapter 4: Phoe, Open The Fucking Door

Start from the beginning

"What are you talking about?" Tejus just stares at the floor as he continues to cry. I approached him cautiously and say gently 

"Tejus? What happened?" He looks at me and brokenly says

"She… she showed me… everything. I felt... everything… EVERYTHING

"I don't understand, Tejus. What did she show you? What did you feel?" 

"Her life" we all look confused. He doesn't mean what I think he does, she hasn't even told us about before, we only know a little of her life. I mean, how is that even possible. 

"She pushed her memories into my head. I felt her pain when she lost her parents. How scared and in pain she was when she met Logan. The day Logan was taken and her inno… her innocence was taken. Every single wound she had inflicted on her. Everytime one of them forced themselves on her. When she met you all. She showed me it all. I hate myself right now. I felt how she felt when she met me and everything since. Even finding out what I did and right up until now. Someone should have told me, Caleb. And I don't know how she did it. I don't even know if I can do it. It's not something I've ever tried before." He states, answering questions I didn't ask out loud. Blake and Sebastian come back into the living room, I didn't even notice they had left, they sound troubled when they say

"We can't get into her room!"
"She's not answering the door to us!"

"Did you try to portal in? Mayb-" I ask. Blake cuts me off shouting.


"I tried to link with her, she's blocking us out!" Sebastian adds in a panic. 

Everyone then starts talking at once, not knowing what to do. Blake and Sebastian start talking about trying to break in through her window and the door. Keelan starts saying something about combining magic and trying that. Zander and Dravon start vibrating as their beasts try to take control and get in that way. And Tejus just sits there mumbling 'this is all my fault' and 'my poor mate' over and over. I think she may have broken him. Why do I always have to be the level headed one? I want to panic alongside them, but I know that won't help and everything they're saying is useless.

"ENOUGH!" I shout. They all stop talking and look at me except Tejus, who continues rocking and mumbling. I pinch the bridge of my nose as I feel exhausted.

"We can't get in. Which means she doesn't want us to. As much as I hate it, I don't think we can magic our way in there. So no matter what your ideas are, it's pointless. The best we can do is try and sort Tejus out and keep knocking and talking through the door for now and hope she can still hear us. So calm the fuck down... Seb, grab glasses and the strong stuff. I think we're going to need it. Keelan we need some food, make her something as well and let her know it's outside the door. Maybe she will get it somehow and actually eat it. Zander gets Logan here, Dravon gets Katy.  Maybe she will let one of them in. Blake... It's time to slap Tejus out of it. I'm going to see if I can find the spell so we can at least see her…. Now gentlemen" Everyone scurrys off to do what I asked, though Dravon and Zander link to Lo and Kris and then just stand there. Blake steps towards Tejus and says

"Is it wrong that I'm going to enjoy this?" 

"Yes. Now shut up and do it" I tell him. He pulls his hand back and let's it fly. Tejus gets knocked back but blinks as if coming to himself and looks at Blake and says

"Thanks…. Ahem…. I think I needed that." He still looks broken but at least the tears have stopped. It makes me want to know what he saw but at the same time, I don't want to, if that's how he reacted. Just knowing what she went through is hard enough and I don't know details or about any of it really. But to see and feel it all.... I can't imagine what he was going through. 

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