Memories Relived

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After leaving the NIS offices they travelled back to their apartment, relieved the meeting with Director Kim was over. For Jeong-hyeok, it felt good to have put all the history behind them. Maybe now they could start to think about the future. Yoon-he was keen to see where they would be living too.

"This is a beautiful apartment Seri," she exclaimed as they showed her around. "And you already have a piano! I can see Jeong-hyeok being happy here."

Seri looked happy at her reaction. "Thank you Yoon-he, I'm so glad you like it. And you are very welcome to come and live with us until you have your own place."

"Are you comfortable with Seri's parents, mother?" asked Jeong-hyeok. "You can move here straightaway if you prefer." Much as he liked the idea of having the apartment to Seri and himself, he felt he should put his mother first.

"No, no, I'm fine," she said settling down on the sofa. "We got on very well in Switzerland and it is very kind of them to take me in. They have given me a lovely set of rooms so I am very comfortable."

"I'm so glad," said Seri. "I hope we can help you to be happy here."

He was relieved that his mother seemed to be taking the change in her stride. He knew how important family was to her and was determined that he and Seri would do their best to help her adjust and be happy.

"I think your mother and I will enjoy each other's company, Seri. I get the impression that your father is so busy with his business interests. But I will want to find my own place in the end."

"We can help you choose somewhere," said Seri. "But there's no need to rush, take your time and get used to being in Seoul. We will enjoy showing you around."

"There will be things to sort out for both of us," said Jeong-hyeok "but don't worry we'll help with all that."

"Of course," said Seri. "Shall we have something to eat first?"

They had lunch, though there wasn't much to choose from. Seri apologised, "I'm afraid I haven't had a chance to sort the shopping yet."

"Of course you haven't," said Yoon-he understandingly. "If I go back to your parents house now, you'll have the chance to sort yourselves out a bit. I'm still rather tired anyway."

"I'll drive you then." Seri picked up her bag, rummaging around in it for her car keys.

"Thank you Seri," said Yoon-he.

Jeong-hyeok got to his feet too. "I'll come as well mother."

"You don't need to," said Seri.

Yoon-he patted him affectionately on the arm. "There's no need Jeong-hyeok, I'm sure Seri knows the way!"

"But will you be ok?" He felt worried about them going out without him. The habit of protecting them both wasn't easily broken.

Seri laughed at him. "Of course we will. We're in Seoul now. I'll be back soon. You can just relax here."

He struggled with himself for a moment, telling himself that he needed to stop worrying. "Oh alright then."

"In fact," said Seri, "It would be really helpful if you ordered in some groceries. We need to re-stock. Just use the account on the computer there and add in anything extra you need."

"I guess you're right," he said.

After they left he settled down at the computer and brought up the online grocery account. Whilst Seri's kitchen cupboards were not quite as empty as they had been that first time he had arrived here, he could see room for improvement. He guessed her busy lifestyle meant she often ate out. He enjoyed cooking, so he happily added a long list of groceries to the order. He also added in some basic toiletries for himself. That done, he wandered around the apartment. He did like it here. He spotted the photographs of Switzerland in the seating area and smiled. Although the last week had been difficult and they had been glad to leave, the country would always be special to them. He went over to the bookshelves and yes, the message he had left for her there was still in place. He smiled to himself.

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