Author's Note

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(No spoilers!)

I watched Crash Landing on You last year (2020) in lockdown. I fell in love with the story, the characters and thought the whole thing was wonderfully acted, scripted and produced. It hasn't left my head since.

I never thought I'd be able to write a whole novel. What would I write about? On long walks or sleepless nights the ending of Crash Landing on You came to me. What would happen next? How could they be together permanently, and in a way that meant they could both be happy? Gradually I built a more and more elaborate story in my head, until I reached the point where I felt I just had to write it all down.

I started off just writing for me. I thought only my family would ever read it. I didn't even know that Fanfic existed!

So here is the finished novel and I hope someone, somewhere enjoys it too.

Please do comment on it. I'd love your feedback. You can also contact me on Twitter @Ellie___Shore

Once I started writing I couldn't stop and I have now nearly finished a sequel to this too. It moves on the story a few years in the future. No spoilers, in case you haven't finished The Gift yet! But look out for Twisted Rope on Wattpad before too long.

Thank you to my daughter, Laura, for getting me to watch the series, encouraging me to write, and for being a firm but fair editor!

Thanks for reading - Ellie

Twitter @Ellie___Shore 

Note on images: a couple of photographs of my own, otherwise screenshots credits to Crash Landing on You (Netflix) and various BinJin adverts - Under Armour, Bodyluv and Bride and You. The Edelweiss photo used on cover is licensed from Dreamstime.

The GiftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora