Man of Mystery

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"It's almost time!" called Kim Mi-Sun.

Sang-u came over to sit with her in front of the television. On the screen was a large crowd of reporters and TV cameras in the reception area of Seri's Choice. It was nearly 11.30 and everyone was waiting for Seri and Jeong-hyeok to arrive. All morning there had been wild speculations going on. The news clips from five years ago, of Seri's mysterious gunshot wound and also her earlier paragliding accident, were shown again and again. There wasn't much that anyone could report on Jeong-hyeok's background though, until the recent pictures released when they announced their marriage, or those taken in the last few months. It was almost as if he didn't exist before that time. A 'man of mystery' he was being called.

"Have there been any more developments?" asked Sang-u.

"Only one," replied Kim Mi-Sun. "The NIS has issued a statement saying that they were already aware of the events of five years ago and do not consider either Ri Jeong-hyeok or Yoon Seri to be a threat."

"I knew Seri couldn't be involved in anything illegal!" said Sang-u sounding pleased.

"It makes it all the more mysterious though doesn't it?" said Mi-Sun. "Look, they're arriving." As the car pulled up Jeong-hyeok stepped out to crowds of people and constant camera flashes from all sides.

"He looks very nervous" said Sang-u watching them.

"But look how protective he is towards Seri!" said Kim Mi-Sun.

And she was right. They watched as Jeong-hyeok held out his arm for Seri, guiding her through the crowd, alert to the jostling and movement of the people. Clearly whatever their explanation was they were still supporting each other.

Jeong-hyeok had known that his reception wouldn't be friendly, possibly even hostile. That much had been clear from all the social media posts. And he was right. There were various shouts from the crowd and even booing from one or two members of the public. He guided Seri through the crowd as quickly as he could, wishing she didn't have to hear them.

Inside the office, Mr Hong was waiting for them and led the way to the microphones. The large reception area echoed with the shouts and questions from the press and the noise from the cameras. But when Jeong-hyeok stepped towards the microphones, ready to speak, they fell silent. Everyone wanted to hear what the 'man of mystery' had to say for himself. Whilst he might be nervous, he held his head up and spoke clearly and honestly.

"Thank you for the chance to explain. First of all I'd like to confirm that the footage shared earlier is of me and admit that I did enter South Korea illegally five years ago. I would like to apologise to the people of the Republic of Korea for that."

He paused and bowed deeply towards the waiting press and cameras. Then he straightened up.

"Please allow me to ask for your patience, so I can explain my actions. I am not, and never have been, a spy, a gang member or a drug smuggler. Five years ago I was a Captain in the North Korean army. I came to the South without the knowledge of my superiors with only one motivation: to protect Yoon Seri. The security services here are fully aware of what happened and I would like to thank them for their statement this morning. To explain why I came to the South I must ask Seri to pick up the story."

He turned to her and she smiled at him reassuringly. He stepped back letting her move forward. Outwardly she looked confident, but he knew she was apprehensive.

"Five years ago you may remember that I was lost in a paragliding accident and believed to be dead. When I came back I said I couldn't remember what had happened to me. I couldn't tell the full story then, but the events this morning mean I must. I crash landed in North Korea."

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