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The next few days were busy, trying to ensure that he and his mother had everything they needed. They also had to arrange their financial affairs, adding him to Seri's bank account so he could buy things independently. He was still a little uncomfortable about their inequality and was grateful that Seri was clearly sensitive to how he felt. She tried to keep things as practical as possible. He appreciated that she didn't get carried away and try to shower him with presents. One thing she did suggest was a second car. He struggled with the idea, but after a bit he agreed that it was the practical thing to do. Whilst she was at work, a second car would leave him free to visit his mother and form his own life in the city. She asked him to choose, and he settled on the same car she already had. He knew he could have asked for any car, however expensive, and she'd have happily bought him it, but he didn't need that sort of attention. They also spoke to her lawyer and financial advisor about setting up a fund for Yoon-he. Seri transferred the equivalent of $2 million into it so that she could be financially independent.

Sitting together in the apartment at the end of a busy day, he found his mind drifting away from Seoul. If it hadn't been for Kang, he would be back in the North, to his old life by now. He had to try hard not to automatically call it home. He wondered what had happened. Had he been denounced as a traitor? What did his colleagues in the orchestra think about him? Would they feel betrayed? And what about his old squad? They knew about his meetings with Seri, so they would understand why he would want to be with her. But would they think he'd planned it and kept it from them? Would anyone ask them awkward questions? He thought not; his links to them and their role in protecting Seri had been covered up by his father. But with someone like Kang as an enemy, he couldn't take it for granted. If Kang was investigating, he would undoubtedly search his apartment in Pyongyang for evidence. He felt uncomfortable at the thought of Kang's men searching and trashing his things.

"You're quiet this evening," Seri murmured, the sound of her voice breaking his reverie and bringing him back to the present.

He hesitated, wondering how much to share.

"I was just wondering about what people think of me. I mean the people I knew. They must all know by now what I've done. I wonder that they think."

He sighed deeply as Seri took his hand, a gentle encouragement to continue. "I keep imaging the lies Kang Sung-ho will spread about my family. What kind of things he'll say to blacken my name. And then, of course, there is everyone I've left behind - if I have left them in any danger. Part of me thinks it's not very likely, but I don't really know. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking about this."

"No, you should. I don't want you to bottle up your feelings. It's bound to feel difficult sometimes. For right now, though, there's nothing you can do." She held him gently, comfortingly.

He kissed her hand. "Don't think for a moment that I regret being here with you. It's just I wish I'd had a chance to say goodbye and to explain. But that would always have been impossible."

"I know. It's hard. Maybe one day you'll have that chance."

Maybe. That seemed far, far too unlikely. But there again, him being here had seemed unlikely. The fact they had even met was definitely unlikely.

"Who knows what's ahead," he said. And they sat quietly together, wondering a little about the future, but mostly just contented with the present.

The next morning, they were up early. It would be Seri's first day back at work. He was going to accompany her while she made the announcement to her staff, and then they would formally issue the press release announcing their marriage. Jeong-hyeok came into the dressing room to see how she was getting on. She was adjusting the tie on her blouse to make sure it hung correctly. As ever, her choice of clothes was impeccable, and he gazed adoringly at her.

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