On the Brink of Something Wonderful

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As he travelled to the Academy, Jeong-hyeok tried to make sense of his feelings. Seri was right, their press conference did seem to have gone ok. So he did feel relieved, sort of. But he didn't feel relaxed, he didn't feel as if it was over. Maybe it was because the events of the morning had dredged up so many bad memories. And with the memories, came all the desperate emotions he had experienced in his life. Feelings that he had thought were finally behind him. He had hated the comments on social media too. He had never sought attention. He didn't want to be a celebrity where everyone had a view on his private life. Earlier he had been a villain; now, apparently, he was a hero. He didn't want to be either. Wherever he went people would comment and remember today. It upset him. He felt that he had been opened up for public consumption and now everything about him was on view. No protective shell left. He wanted to disappear into his music.

He walked into the Academy, aware that people were staring, pointing, smiling at him. Someone called his name but he ignored them. He kept his head down and headed to the director's office, climbing the stairs as fast as he could, away from everyone.

"I'm afraid he isn't here Mr Ri," said the director's assistant when he arrived. "He's gone to meet with the charity board and the academy leaders."

He was disappointed. He'd thought that perhaps if he got some good news it would help him feel better.

"Oh, I see."

The assistant smiled at him in a friendly way.

"I watched your statement Mr Ri. I couldn't believe what you and your wife have been through. Such a terrible ordeal. Everyone is taking about it. You've got a lot of support you know. Those of us who've got to know you just knew you couldn't be a criminal."

He felt awkward. He really didn't want to discuss this morning with anyone.

"Oh, thank you. I think I'll go down to the rehearsal room then."

He walked into the rehearsal room and shut the door firmly

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He walked into the rehearsal room and shut the door firmly. He didn't want anyone coming in. He walked over to the window and looked out moodily. There was a heavy sky and it was now raining; it seemed to match his mood. He felt frustrated at still not knowing where he stood with the concert and angry with everything he had had to go through that morning. He didn't want anyone's sympathy, he just wanted them to leave him alone. He walked up and down a few times, feeling restless and tense. He kicked a chair, and when that didn't help he went over to the piano and sat down. Normally, he would feel a sense of satisfaction when he started to play, gradually warming up, testing out a melody and feeling the joy of expression. This time he just threw himself into playing straight away. He played to suit his mood, angry and full of frustration. He found himself playing without thinking, without concern for technique or structure - the music seemed to pour directly from inside of him, passionate and intense.

Outside the rehearsal room, one of the tutors had stopped to listen to him play. The musical director Nam Seohyun approached and she too stopped.

"Is that Jeong-hyeok playing? I've never heard him play like that before!"

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