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Jeong-hyeok spent the next few weeks adjusting to his new life and helping his mother to adapt too. The busyness of the city didn't feel so strange to him, but to Yoon-he it felt quite intimidating. The constant traffic, the range of choice, the sophistication of consumer products and technology was startling to her. One thing both she and Jeong-hyeok noticed straight away was the advertising on display everywhere. Instead of slogans supporting society and the Great Leader, there were flashy, glaring photographs promoting a shampoo or mobile phone. It was different.

Whilst Seri was at work, he took the opportunity to practice and explore his music. He started to feel more confident that the direction he was trying to go in was the right one, but he also recognised that he would benefit from expert criticism. He approached one of the leading music academies in Seoul and explained his background. They were interested in meeting him, and agreed an appointment.

At the academy, he met with Nam Seohyun, the musical director, and also the academy director Han Daeshim. After reviewing his resume, Nam Seohyun invited him to play. They listened attentively whilst he performed. When he finished, he swivelled round on the piano stool to face them. He felt rather nervous, almost as if he was a student again and had just taken an exam. Thankfully, both Nam Seohyun and Director Han were looking approving.

"Thank you Ri Jeong-hyeok," said Nam Seohyun. "My appraisal would be that technically you are excellent and you have a style that is intriguing. There are hints and flashes that draws the listener in to the music, but you don't carry that through. Does that make sense to you?"

He felt reassured. Nam Seohyun seemed to be echoing his own assessment. She had a strong reputation in the field. He felt sure she wouldn't give praise lightly and that her judgement was likely to be sound.

"Yes, it does. That is the part of my music that I need to develop," he said. He leant forward earnestly. He hoped she could understand. "I feel that there is some connection there, between the way I play and the feeling of the music, but I haven't been able to grasp hold of and control it yet. I've only recently been able to start to do this."

Nam Seohyun nodded; it seemed that she did.

"I'd be interested on working with you on that as I see you have potential."

He was delighted. This is what he had been looking for.

"Thank you. I'm very pleased to hear that."

Nam Seohyun smiled. "I like your enthusiasm, but you need to be realistic too. I can't promise any wider recognition or commercial success for your music. As I'm sure you appreciate there are a lot of talented musicians out there, and only a few break through to be publicly recognised or have commercial success."

He nodded. He wasn't naive, but he wanted to chase the opportunity if he could. 

"I know that it won't be easy, but I want to explore what I'm capable of and push the limits to what I can achieve. If I can work with you to do that, then that is what I want." He was determined to push himself as much as possible. He had never been afraid of hard work and after all he had been through, he was unafraid of the challenge.

The academy director, too, had been watching him appraisingly. Whilst Nam Seohyun would lead on the musical appraisal, Han Daeshim would assess whether he had the means to pay for the academy's support.

"Ri Jeong-hyeok that is good news," he said. "However I do need to raise a delicate matter and that is fees. We do have to charge for artistic guidance and assistance. We do what we can to support all artists but ultimately we need to be practical too. Are you able to fund it?"

"I am able to fund, so that isn't a concern," Jeong-hyeok replied confidently.

Han Daeshim nodded. He wasn't sure what resources the man had, but he seemed pretty sure of himself. He went on "And do we need to discuss opportunities to earn money through performing?"

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