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A month passed and Louis loved his new life. He excelled in all his classes and he and Zayn had become great friends. It was nice to be able to be himself with someone, and have someone to discuss everything it meant to be a male Omega. They often hung out at the frozen yogurt shop just the two of them. They talked a lot to the Beta working there as well. Niall was trying to earn enough money to go to London to pursue a singing career.

He spent time with Harry as well, usually in the evenings when they were both hanging out in their dorm room. On the weekends they did things together, all four of them, and Louis invited Niall to join them on Saturday. They went to the movies. After that Niall came a part of their little friend group.

Everything was going smoothly until the dumb Alpha he was living with decided to question his newfound friendship with Zayn. They were laying in their beds for the night.
"Hey, Louis? What's going on between you and Zayn?" Harry wondered and Louis immediately felt irritated.

"What do you mean by that? We're friends!" He huffed.

"And that's all it is?" Harry questioned.

"Why? Are you telling me that you can't be friends with an Omega?" Louis retorted with a raised eyebrow to challenge him.

"I guess, sure. It's just...Liam is getting worried. You spend a lot of time together. I hope you're not hoping for something to happen, because..." Harry said, really offending him this time.

"Are you serious? So just because he's an Omega, I automatically want to fuck him? No, Harry. We're just friends. I have no desire to be with him, I have no ulterior motives, and honestly, it bloody offensive that you think that I would try to steal someone elses mate, or that Zayn would ever cheat on Liam. He loves him. They're soulmates for fucks sake.
I swear to God, Alphas can be so fucking stupid and possessive. Liam has nothing to worry about. He should be happy for Zayn that he has found a good friend." Louis fired off. He knew that if he told Harry and Liam that he was in fact an Omega, there wouldn't be a problem, but that was just a load of crap. It shouldn't matter.

"You're right. I'm sorry that I offended you. I'll talk to Liam." Harry said softly, sounding remorseful. 

"You do that." Louis huffed.

"I am sorry. It's just not that common for Alphas and Omegas to just be friends." Harry said.

"You're friends with Zayn." Louis pointed out.

"Yeah. Those two have been glued together since Zayn transferred to our high school." Harry smiled.

"So, you wouldn't have been friends with Zayn if he hadn't been Liam's mate?" Louis questioned.

Harry seemed taken back by that.
"I really hope so."

"You should spend some time with him just the two of you. Show him that you are his friend too." Louis suggested with an edge to his voice.

"He thinks that I'm not his friend? That's awful!" Harry said.

"He hasn't said that but I think he would appreciate it. He's not just Liam's mate, you know? He's a person. A wonderful person." Louis said. He knew that he was harsh but Harry needed a wake-up call.

"He really is. Yeah, I'll call him tomorrow. Thanks." Harry smiled.

"No need to thank me. Good night Harry." Louis replied.

"Good night."

Harry really called Zayn the next day who immediately agreed to meet up for coffee. Then Liam called and asked where they were going and Harry stuttered something. Louis rolled his eyes at him and waved to hand him the phone.
"Hi Liam, it's Louis. How about you and I meet up. I have spent so much time with Zayn. I think it's time you and I hang out as well."

"Uhm, yeah but Zayn and Harry..." Liam started but Louis cut him off.

"Doesn't need our company this afternoon. What do you say Payno? I challenge you to some arcade games."

"Yeah, okay. See you in half an hour?" Liam agreed.

Louis felt really pleased with himself after he hung up and handed the phone back.
"See? Not that hard. You have to be the Alpha Harry." He smirked.

"I am! I don't want to cause trouble, that's all." Harry huffed.

"Well, Liam needs to learn to not be so damn controlling." Louis replied.

"He's just looking after Zayn. The world is different for Omegas." Harry defended his friend.

"And Zayn will be perfectly safe in your company. Right?" Louis said.

"Of course!" Harry immediately replied.

"Alright then. Let's get going." Louis smiled. 

They met up with Liam and Zayn outside the yogurt shop. Louis immediately hugged Zayn and then he put a hand on Liam's back to push him along.
"Come on, you and I have so much to talk about."

"Yeah, see you in an hour Zayn." Liam said and pecked his lips.

Zayn smiled.
"Have fun you two." Louis grinned.

He dragged Liam along.
"I don't understand why we can't hang out all four of us."

"Because Harry and Zayn have bonding time and so do we." Louis said.

"Bonding what?" Liam asked, sounding confused

Louis sighed and stopped walking.
"Listen to me. First of all, I'm not trying to steal your mate from you. I have no romantic interest in Zayn whatsoever. He's just a friend. So you can stop that jealousy nonsense you have going on."

"Oh. Sorry. You have spent a lot of time together." Liam said, almost blushing.

"Because Zayn is awesome and we get along great. That takes me to my next topic. Don't you want Zayn to have friends? Don't you want him to be able to do things by himself? Don't you want him and Harry to be friends too? Real friends, not just...I don't know, Harry is your friend and he hangs out with Zayn just because he's your mate?" Louis questioned.

"Of course I want Zayn to have friends! I'm not a monster! I just worry about him." Liam said, sounding upset.

"Well, Harry will keep him safe and I won't hurt him. Don't be so fucking possessive Liam." Louis almost growled.

Liam gave him a stare and Louis didn't back off even if the Alpha was a bit intimidating. Then Liam sighed and smiled.
"Thanks, Louis for calling me out. I'm not possessive. Zayn and I are equals. I would never boss him around and tell him what he can or can't do. I want him to be happy and friends are a big part of that. He's always in such a great mood whenever he has spent time with you which I love, but it also made me a little insecure. You're an Alpha after all. I just love him so much and I don't know what I would do if I lost him."

"You're not gonna lose him. You are mated. That's a lifelong commitment and a bond no one can break. I would never come between that. I just want to be his friend, okay?" Louis said, softer this time.

"Okay. I'm glad you're his friend. Really." Liam smiled.

"Great. Now, come on. I'm gonna kick your ass in flipper." Louis grinned.

They had fun together and almost lost track of them. They hurried back to the yogurt shop where Harry and Zayn waited. Liam hugged his mate.
"Hi babe, did you have fun?"

"Yeah. You?" Zayn asked.

"Louis kicked my ass at arcade games but I had fun anyway. Ready to go home?" Liam smiled.

"Yeah, thanks, Harry. Maybe we can do it again sometimes?" Zayn asked shyly.

"Absolutely. Anytime. I had fun Zayn. We should have done that ages ago." Harry smiled and Zayn looked happy.

They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Louis smiled when he saw Liam and Zayn put their arms around each other and Zayn told Liam about his evening with Harry. He turned to look at the Alpha beside him.

"Zayn is great. Thanks for kicking my ass and encouraging me to hang out with him." Harry grinned.

"Your welcome Styles. Liam and I had a fun evening as well." Louis replied as they walked back to their dorm.

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