chapter 8

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Ring!!! ~~
Somin pov
The school bell just rang means class is over!!!!
OMG I am so happy I planned so go to the bubble tea shop today since Ya know I loved loved loved bubble tea and especially choco bubble tea for I ask taeyeon if she wants to come along with me.

Taeyeon ah, since lessons are over want to come with me to the bubble tea shop?
Okay! Okay let's go now before the queue gets too long .

We walk to the bubble tea shop near our school and When we reach there was alot of girls screaming and pushing me and Taeyeon and I saw what they were screaming for 12 boys and suddenly it reminded me of Sehun and all his hyungs.

So I just went to line up for the queue to buy my drinks but then sehun and the rest went tl called my name somin-ah!  Hi! Can we standing with you?I just said Okay or else the fangirls would kill me.

I heard some of the girls saying things like

Girl 1: who the hell is that ugly girl next to our oppa?
Girl 2: isn't that somin the want from our school? OMG I hate her.
Girl 3: How dare she stand so new to my Sehun oppa again! I am going to get her just Wait and see bitch.

Taeyeon -ah why are the girls glaring at me? I thinks it's because we are near the boys

Do you think we should go we can buy it another day.

Okay I think we better go or else we are in big trouble.

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