★ | 009. history repeating

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Book: In The Shadows, The Vampire Diaries

Chapter 9: History Repeating

Word Count: 1864

Caden was standing at the entrance of the school, flowers in his hand

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Caden was standing at the entrance of the school, flowers in his hand. He kept looking around until he spotted the person he was looking for. As soon as she saw him she raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "I, uh, got you flowers?" He said in more of a question.

She scoffed. "You got my flowers? Wow. Thank you so much Cade. That fixes everything." She said sarcastically.

"Caroline, I'm so - "

She put her hand up. "If you're going to go on your 'I'm sorry and didn't mean to hurt you' speech. You can save it. I don't want to hear it."

His shoulders deflated. "But I mean it. I don't want us to stop being friends."

"Friends?" Her eyes narrowed. "That's all you ever saw? Us just being friends?" Her tone was getting more and more angry.

This was not going how he expected it to go. "N - No - I mean... yes. I - I didn't know you felt a different way. If I did I would have - "

"What?" She cut him off. "Rejected me earlier? Save it, Caden. It doesn't matter anymore. Besides, I found someone else." She said with a smirk.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Who?"

Matt Donovan walked past them and Caroline instantly brightened up. "Hi Matt." Her whole mood changed.

"Hey." He nodded at her back. When he looked at Caden, his eyes narrowed into a harsh glare. One that had Caden widening his eyes and wanting to take a step back.

He watched Matt walk away. What was that look all about. He shook his head and looked at Caroline, seeing her staring after Matt. "Wait, Matt's the guy your talking about?"

"Shocked I moved on so easily? You aren't that special." She sneered, wanting to hurt him like he hurt her. She snatched the flowers out of the flowers out of his hand and walked to the nearest bin, throwing them in before leaving his outsight.

"What did you do to her?" Elena asked as she came up to him.

"Rejected her." He sighed.

Elena hummed. "Explains why she's so pissed. I'm on her side."


She laughed and pat him on the back. "Sorry, she's my friend. I have to be. Besides, I don't want to be on Caroline's bad side. Good luck."

"Thanks, sis." He said with a frown and she shrugged.

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Caden walked into history class. He spotted Matt who was once again looking at him with a glare. He put his head down, trying to avoid his eyes and walked to his seat.

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