Operation link up part 3

Start from the beginning

"Damm it,I wish I got a gauss rifle from fallout america right now as it is basically a railgun!" Sergeant First Class Shino Kuribayashi said

The city to the gate blown apart by a jsdf tank, infantry rushed into the opening to create a strong defensive perimeter near the gate of the city.

Imperial legions saw the jsdf entering the city and they fired arrows at the jsdf,the jsdf saw this and begin to hide behind the tanks shielding from the rain of arrows.jsdf helicopters soon entered the fray and open up their chain guns hundreds of men were slaughtered within seconds.

"We need to get further into the city don't just stay at the entrance of the city,we don't have power armor like fallout america so we need get of this place!"itami shouted

The jsdf troops that is still lingering at the entrance of the city nodded and went inwards to the city to clear the houses and to make way for advancing troops.Rory mecury is having the time of her life as she is swinging her halberd cleaving men apart with no effort.

"Rory,why are you siding with the otherworlders?"a imperial soldier said before he is cut down down by a Rory.

Rory just smash through imperial lines with no effort, killing those imperial troops that survived.

The 3rd recon team soon came to the center of the city with a water fountain where they see a elve with some brightly colored robe with a staff.The staff begin to glow blue,the water then begin to raise up and slowly freeze to ice with pointed ends,the jsdf stared in shocked until frozen ice is hurled towards them luckily for them the 3rd recon team took shelter in the water fountain as the water fountain is now devoid of water.Itami raised his Howa Type 64 battle rifle at the mage but nothing happened the bullets just bounced off the magic the shield the mage has conjured

"You fool,no mortal can fight against elves due to our magic which flows in our veins."the elven mage said

Sergeant Takeo Kurata fired his battle rifle at the elven mage only to be meet up the same results.Rory mecury then came out of nowhere and swung her halberd at the elven mage the force is so great to the point that the halberd cleave through the magic shield of the elven mage,the mage is now headless as Rory chopped his head off.

Alnus hill
1st lieutenant Akira Yanagida rush through the meeting hall towards general Kōichirō Hazama office with a grim face.Upon entering the general office Akira showed him the recon planes that is monitoring the progress of the jsdf forces.

"What is it lieutenant?"general Hazama asked

"It seems that there is a 5000 army strong that is heading straight for jsdf troops we need air support."Akira said

"Damm it,all of our air assets are tied in the moment,get me fallout america general."general Hazama said

"This is general William Wales,what do you need general Hazama?"William Wales asked

"I need some air support if you can lend me some?"general Hazama asked

"Very well I will send some F108 rapier towards the city give me the coordinates and I promise they will be there."William Wales said

"Ok."general Hazama said

City of tetra
"Sir,it appears a 5000 strong force is slowly approaching us right now."Sergeant First Class Mari Kurokawa said

"Damm it,we have yet taken the city and now a attacking force is coming damm it."itami said in frustration

"Get the machine guns on the walls and the tanks outside the city of deal  damage to the enemy."itami said

The jsdf troops near him heard itami orders and followed through on his orders.

"Oh my god there is so many of them"a jsdf troop said as he saw the army of 5000 begin to charge walls of the city.Tanks open fire,battle rifle and 50cal open up the first wave of men is easily cut into pieces.But more men begin to charge up due to the city not yet fully secure the guns on the walls of the city is not in enough quantity to take them, the huge amount of men that is charging them.

Suddenly the 5000 army of men suddenly burst into greenish light jsdf troops is confused at this and when they look up they saw fallout america F108 rapier jets unleash their payload of plasma bombs onto the mass of men.The F108 rapier then flew high in the sky before coming down in a strafing run and opened up the HER90 heavy air to air laser cannons the 5000 strong army that is outside the walls of the city is destroyed,some jsdf troops then record the event with their cell phones as they have never seen laser weaponry used in real life before.

The imperial troops in the city seeing the laser cannons of the F108 rapier immediately surrendered.

Fallout american pilot POV
"Wonder what those imperial felt when I unleashed my laser cannons on them?"

Fallout belongs to
Betheasda softworks

Gate belongs to takumi yanai illustrated by Daisuke Izuka and kurojish

3rd recon team reference

F108 rapier reference

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