Tarot Cards

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After a couple of months, you started going to Luffy's house almost every day. Sometimes to study, but most of the times just to watch movies and learn how to play video games. And of course the teasing continued. Since Ace didn't say anything nor made any move, you assumed he wasn't interested. Although Newgate kept saying how he wanted you two to be a couple.

You went to the library with Robin, getting some books to write an essay for Mr. Marco. He wanted you and your pair, which unsurprisingly was Ace, to write about the Paramount War. You hated wars; you hated reading or learning about them.

— I hate wars... — you whispered to yourself, while flipping through the book pages.

— Why's that? — your friend asked, while searching for a book. She was so lucky, your teacher told her to write about Gol D. Roger. Even Luffy got a better subject to write about: the early years of the great age of pirates.

— It just gives me this weird feeling, you know? I don't know why, but I guess it's because of my nightmares. I'm glad it's been a while since the last time I had them, though.

— Nightmares? Tell me more. — she seemed to be interested in "creepy" stuff sometimes. You thought it was so weird at first, but now you're used to her bizarre thoughts.

— Yes. It was pretty much always the same, but some stuff changed. Sometimes I saw ships, sometimes I saw people fighting... But I always ended up hugging a man who was about to die. I could never see his face, but I woke up feeling so bad and crying sometimes. It was so weird, I feel like I know him, and I get so intrigued.

— We might have a book about dream interpretation here in the library. Maybe we can find the meaning. — she stopped for a second. — Or, I have a better idea...

— I'm a bit worried, but go on... — you raised an eyebrow.

— Let's go ask Hawkins!

— Hawkins? How can he... — it took you a second to understand and actually find it a good idea. — Oh! I guess we can try that.

You never had a chance to talk to Hawkins, since your friend group was completely different, but you knew he understood about spiritual matters and knew how to read tarot cards. After years trying to understand about your dreams, maybe you could use a little help from another realm. You were very open minded anyway.

Luckily you two would have the same class after lunch, it'd be a good opportunity to approach the guy.

— Hey, Hawkins. — you smiled. — I'm here because...

— You want to know about something that has been bothering you for a while, right? — he asked, even though he knew he didn't need an answer, and caught you off guard. — I saw there was a 90% of chance of this happening this morning. Have a seat and tell me what's bothering you.

You sat in front on him, still surprised. Apparently he was good. You explained the whole story again for the for the umpteenth time. While you were telling him everything, it felt like the blonde wasn't paying attention, since he kept shuffling his deck and drawing cards.

— To be honest, I don't even need that many cards. I don't think I need cards at all to understand why you had those dreams. And you probably know the reason as well. — he said, with his calm and collected face. You tilted your head, not understanding why he was playing riddles. — Maybe you don't know it, but you feel it. Your intuition tells you.

— Hawkins, I appreciate the help, but I'm not part of the Scooby Doo gang, so I can't solve any mysteries. Can you be clear? — you asked.

He showed you three cards, six of cups, the lovers and ten of cups. On the first card, you noticed a woman, looking melancholic at the ocean, with five cups placed around her, while she held the sixth one with one hand, and a flower with the other. The second one showed two people, one of them reminded you of Aphrodite, but you couldn't figure who the other people were. And finally, the last one showed a happy couple holding hands with ten cups placed in front of them.

You gave your classmate a puzzled look. You could understand the pictures yes, but what did they mean?

— You've been having those dreams your whole life because of your soulmate. — he started, but you interrupted with a question.

— Do they even exist? Isn't it just something romance movies try to sell?

— They do exist. They aren't specifically romantic, although they can be. And it seems to be the case here. — he continued. — Your story with this person had ended before, in another life; it can be something related to the dream. About the war you saw in your nightmares. But now you two met again, and it's something that it's meant to be. Doesn't matter how long it takes, it doesn't matter if you two date other people. You'll always find your way back to each other.

You shivered at his words while your jaw dropped.

— Now you two will have the opportunity to finish your story together, and have the happy ending you got denied in your past life.

— ... So I know this person already? — you asked, and Hawkins nodded. — Can you tell me who is it?

He smirked.

— Do you really need any confirmation? After everything since your first day here?

Before you could ask what he meant with this, Mr. Caesar, the biology teacher, entered the room and told everyone to stop chatting and pay attention. You sighed.

The bell rang and it was time to go home. The whole time you kept thinking about what Hawkins told you, and his words kept repeating inside your head. "Do you really need a confirmation?"

Of course, your heart kept saying it was Ace. It had to be Ace. He was the only man you got interested in, it was the only person you ever felt a connection that strong, different from everything you've ever felt before. But was that your intuition speaking or was it just your heart?

Maybe he was just a little crush and your soulmate was someone you least expect, like Eustass Kid. You didn't feel anything about the redhead so far though. What if it was Luffy and you just focused on the wrong brother?

Trying to distract yourself, you asked Luffy to go to his house, which of course, the boy agreed right away.

A Million Lifetimes {Portgas D. Ace x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now