New Crew Member

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Somewhere in the Grand Line, year unknown.

You were part of the Whitebeard Pirates for a long time by now. Edward Newgate was a father figure to you, who grew up as an outcast, with no family or someone who could take care of you. In fact, for a long time you felt unworthy of love until you met the crew.

You would die to protect them if it you had to.

It felt like a big family, the family you needed for so long. They protected you, loved you and took care of you. They even taught you how to fight eventually.

When Fire Fist Ace confronted your captain, you were there, feeling sorry for that foolish boy. He was strong, he even refused an offer to become a shichibukai, but he wasn't strong enough to defeat Whitebeard.

When the raven-haired boy passed out, the crew took him to the ship along with his men. And there you were, cleaning his wounds.

When Whitebeard threw him into the ocean every time Ace tried to attack your captain, you were there to save him from drowning.

No one asked you to do any of these things; you just felt responsible for it, you had the need to take care of him. He never said thank you, but he blushed whenever he was around you. It felt like something was attracting you to him, like an invisible magnet. Actually, it was probably destiny.

Everyone lost the count, but for the nth time, Newgate threw the young man into the ocean. And there you were, saving him again.

ꟷ I admire your persistence, though. ꟷ you laughed, throwing him a towel so he could dry himself. ꟷ Why do you want to kill my captain anyway?

ꟷ Because I want the world to know how strong I am. And for that, I need to kill the most powerful man alive, Whitebeard. ꟷ he said, still sounding confident even though he had bandages all over his body by now.

ꟷ Well, good luck with that. ꟷ you said, checking if any of his wounds were infected before leaving. ꟷ But you won't be able to keep doing that forever.

Ace was moody ever since he arrived on the Moby Dick, so you left him alone for a few days. Maybe some time away from the crew would do some good and help him think.

A few days later, he was sitting in a corner, far from the rest. You brought him a bowl of food, just in case. He didn't eat a lot since he arrived, and maybe was hungry.

ꟷ Why does everyone here call him "pops"? ꟷ his voice was low and he didn't bother making eye contact.

ꟷ Because he treats us like his children. He calls them "sons", and well, he calls me his daughter. ꟷ you smiled at the memory of Newgate asking you to join his crew. You were living in the streets, lonely and hungry trying to survive. ꟷ While the world hates us, he treats us like family. And it might seem like it's just words, but it makes us happy. It feels nice.

You noticed he was looking at you, paying attention to your words.

ꟷ You need to decide. You can leave and start over, because seems like your men are staying. But if you want, you're more than welcome to stay here with us. You can wear the mark of Whitebeard on your back and stay.

After the talk, you noticed how his behavior changed. He wasn't trying to attack Whitebeard anymore, he started talking and being around everyone, not just the guys, but you too. Apparently, he really decided to be part of the crew, and to celebrate everyone decided to throw a party. It was actually just an excuse to have a feast, music and lots of beer.

ꟷ Hey. ꟷ you approached Ace, handling him a glass of beer, while drinking yours. ꟷ Welcome to our crew, officially I mean.

ꟷ Thank you. ꟷ he smiled. It was actually the first time you saw his smile, and damn, it was beautiful. ꟷ I guess I never got to know your name.

ꟷ I'm (Y/N). We didn't talk much, even though I spent much time with you, patching you up and dragging you out of the ocean.

ꟷ And thank you for that too. That was very nice of you.

ꟷ Don't worry. But you were my most stubborn patient ever. ꟷ you laughed.

The night was pleasant, you two spent the whole night away from the others just talking and looking at the ocean.

You had the chance to know about Ace's past, about his brothers and his goals. The way his eyes started shining when he talked about his goals, how he wanted to be free, explore the world, and be the Pirate King.

The morning after, you saved a seat next to you for Ace, not just for that breakfast, but for every meal now. You two became close, drinking together, spending nights talking, or just enjoying the comfortable silence. And every time the ship stopped at a new island, you both used to go explore and have lunch together.

That's how you found out about his narcolepsy, and you gladly dragged him, or waited until he woke up again, with food all over his face.

One night you were cooking with Thatch, who was your closest friend, and he noticed how you changed your behavior around Ace.

ꟷ You and Ace are very close, aren't you? ꟷ the man asked, while making dinner. You were helping him chopping some vegetables. ꟷ You two became friends already?

ꟷ Yes. ꟷ you smiled thinking about the freckled boy. ꟷ He's nice, isn't he? I'm glad he decided to stay. We spent the night talking yesterday.

ꟷ I noticed that. I could hear it from my window. I also noticed you giggle like a little girl around him. ꟷ his voice sounded suggestive now.

ꟷ What do you mean? ꟷ you felt your cheeks getting warm and almost hurt your finger with the sharp knife. ꟷ I act... Normal.

ꟷ Oh yes? You never touched my shoulders when I said something funny or brought me beer at the parties.

ꟷ Shut up. ꟷ was all you said, looking away trying to hide how flustered you were.

Thatch just laughed and changed the subject so you wouldn't get too embarrassed. At least for now.

You could deny it as much as you wanted, but he was quite an observer. And he couldn't lie, the brown haired man noticed how Ace acted around you too. 

A Million Lifetimes {Portgas D. Ace x Reader}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu