You hurt me...

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Jaden's pov
Chapter 54

Jaden: Do you want me to ask Bryce to look after you?

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Jaden: Do you want me to ask Bryce to look after you?

I say as I park the car,

She doesn't answer me.

I look over at her and see her staring out of the window.

Jaden: hello? Earth to Blair Woods!

I wave my hand on front if her face.

Blair: Fuck off,

Jaden: are you actually pissed I didn't let you buy the axolotl thing?

I roll my eyes,

Sometimes she can be so childish.

Blair: Maybe I am but you wouldn't care cause you're fucking late for a meeting!

She shouts at me.

Jaden: Blair what's wrong?

Blair: Nothing, lets just go inside and get the meeting over with so I can go home.

She quickly wipes the tears on her face.

Jaden: Baby please talk to me.

Blair: No, you're late for your meeting!

She goes to get out of the car but I pull her back and lock the doors.

Blair: Fuck sake Jaden, you don't have time for this!

Jaden: Blair I don't care about the meeting, I want to know why you're crying!

She looks down at her lap and starts playing with her engagement ring.

Blair: I-I'm not crying...

Jaden: Yes you are Butterfly, Now either we're gonna sit here until you tell me and i'll be late for my meeting or you can tell me now.

Blair: It's nothing I-I swear!

Jaden: Baby please, we're gonna be getting married soon! I want you to be able to talk to me!

Blair: Jaden-

Jaden: Nope, no more excuses! Blair tell me what's going on!

Blair: You hurt me...

She says quietly.

Jaden: Because I didn't buy you a fucking toy?! Blair what the hell-

Blair: No! It wasn't that Jaden!

She pulls the sleeves of her hoodie up to reveal a red mark on both of her wrists.

She pulls the sleeves of her hoodie up to reveal a red mark on both of her wrists

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes

Word count: 321 <3

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