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Blair's pov
Chapter 14

Blair's povChapter 14

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B: Hey dad i'm home!

I say as I walk into the house.

D: Hey honey how did it go?

B: Crap, Now I have to go to Mexico to shoot the second biggest Mafia leaders brother.

I roll my eyes as I place my purse down on the ground.

D: What?! Is Lucas making you do this!?

B: No, if we don't Lucas, Ethan, Jaden and me will be dead. I'm not risking that.

D: What?

B: Ondreaz Lopez wants his mafia to be the biggest in the world so he's taking down every other mafia in the world. Your one was next but you retired and they thought since Lucas was the oldest he was next in line to be leader but they didn't know he dissapered years ago.

D: Okay, well then i'm coming with you!

B: No you need to stay here, look after Kira please?

D: Okay fine

B: Alright I need to get my stuff and leave, I'll see you soon!

I run upstairs and get my clothes and put them in a bag.

Once i'm done I quickly go into Ethan's room and see him playing with his toys.

B: Hiya baby

E: Momma!

He reaches for me so I lift him up.

B: Momma's gonna have to leave for a while Buddy but i'll be back as soon as I can. Don't forget I love you baby!

I kiss his forehead before placing him back down so he can play with his toys.

B: Bye baby

I smile at him playing with his toys before I leave.

B: Dad i'm gonna go now. Please look after Ethan for me?

D: Of course I will honey. Be safe please?

B: Yeah I will. Love you!

D: Love you too Honey

I quickly hug my Dad and leave.

I get back into my car and start driving to the office.

I get back into my car and start driving to the office

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes

Word count: 327 <3

Word count: 327 <3

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