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Blair's pov
Chapter 63

Blair: Babe i'm ready!

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Blair: Babe i'm ready!

I say trying to pull my suitcase down the stairs.

Jaden: wait! Let me help you!

He runs up to me and takes my suitcase.

Blair: Thanks Jae,

I follow him downstairs.

Jaden: Alright Nessa is coming to pick up Juice. The limo is still here and the rest of our stuff is already at the airport. Are you ready?

Blair: Yup,

He grabs my hand and takes me outside. We get in the limo and once again Jaden pulls me onto his lap.

Blair: What time will we be at our mystery honeymoon?

Jaden: Well it's 1am and that's 15 hours until we get there soo...we'll be there round about 4pm.

Blair: Okayyy! Can I go to sleep?

Jaden: Of course you can my love, I'll wake you up when we get to the airport.

Blair: Thanks Jae.

I lay my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.

Jaden: Love? Would you like anything to eat?

I sit up and notice we're not in the limo amymore.

Blair: Jae where are we?

Jaden: We're on the plane love, I didn't want to wake you but I noticed you haven't eaten in a few hours. Do you want anything?

Blair: Uhh is there pizza?

Jaden: Yeah, anything to drink?

Blair: Just water please.

He nods.

Blair: Do you want to watch a movie?

Jaden: Yeah sure,

I go onto Netflix and play (whatever movie you want)

I go onto Netflix and play (whatever movie you want)

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes

Word count: 254 <3

Drug Lord 2-Jaden Hossler :: completed Where stories live. Discover now