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The Jinchuriki gang banged open the Uchiha mansion door.

"Hey!" "Where's Naruto?!"
Minato held Fugakus collar.
"How the fuck am I supposed to know?!" Fugaku pushed Minato off of him. "He isn't my son." Minato clenched his fists.

Sasuke came down, his hair in disarray with slight bags.

"Wheres my son?!" "I don't know! I've looked everywhere he could've gone Kushina!"
Kushina looked at Minato.

Kurama pulled out his phone, going to an app that had Narutos location.

"They broke his phone." "What?!" "The signal.. Narutos isn't active."
"Oh my god." Kushina clenched her dress, Minato hugging her.

"If you are all done yelling, can we start looking?" "Shikaku shut the hell up." Shikaku rolled his eyes. "We need Naruto back. We've been waiting around for a week, the people aren't just going to give him back." "What do we do?" They looked at Gaara who was raging, his fists clenched, knuckles white.
"The last place his signal came from. Kyuubi you can do that right?" "Yeah."

"Sasuke are you seriously considering to help them?" Fugaku hissed. "Narutos my boyfriend, I'm finding him whether I have your permission and help or not."

Sasuke walked into the kitchen, laying their map on the kitchen table.
Madara smirked.

"He's finally growing balls Fugaku." Madara and Izuna walked into the kitchen, Obito already helping Sasuke.
Fugaku growled, Mikoto smiling on the other hand.

Joseph slammed the door closed, Naruto looking up, his eyes dead.

"Tell me where I can find the Uzumaki scroll." Naruto didn't respond.

Joseph growled.
He grabbed his knife and ran it over Narutos almost pale skin.

The cold metal ran along the infected wound on Narutos left bicep, making him whimper.

"Tell me." "Burn in hell." Joseph dug the knife into Narutos cheek, making another scar to look as if Naruto has four whiskers on one cheek.
Naruto bit his lip.
"Tell me!" Naruto flinched.

Joseph clicked his tongue and laid the knife on Narutos thigh, a place he hasn't dared touch Naruto in the earlier days.

"I bet if it was Sasuke asking you'd tell him." Narutos stomach uncomfortably turned.

Joseph dug the knife into Narutos thigh, getting a cry of pain from the small blonde.
Blood ran out of the wound slowly, Narutos warmth leaving.

Joseph lifted Narutos chin with the knife.

"I'm disappointed." Naruto clenched his fists. "We've heard about your nickname Red eyed Kitsune... your nothing your reputation says... though your eyes... your eyes are extremely beautiful.. just like the rest of you."

Joseph slipped a sleeve of the torn leather jacket from Narutos shoulder, his bare skin visible like his skinniness.

"So beautiful." Josephs lips ran over Narutos shoulder, making him feel sick.
"I hate beautiful things." Joseph stabbed the knife into Narutos shoulder blade, a loud cry coming from Naruto.

Joseph twisted the knife then ripped in out, Naruto jerking with the force.
Joseph lifted Narutos chin, staring into the shimmering cerulean orbs.

He wiped the knife off on Narutos jeans, Naruto flinching at the metal on his new wound.
Joseph lifted his chin, the knife running over Narutos uncut cheek, a small cut being made like the other.

"You have such beautiful eyes." Joseph lifted the knife.
He went to stab it through Narutos right eye but Naruto dodged, a deep long cut going from close to narutos eye to his ear.

"You bitch!"
Joseph punched Naruto, knocking him out once more.

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