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Sasuke walked down the stairs a few hours later. His jacket not on and his hair sloppily combed by his fingers.

"Have fun?" Obito wiggled his eyebrows. Sasuke glared. "I can't believe you fucking called me Itachi." Itachi chuckled. "I was wondering if I'd catch anything good." Sasuke rolled his eyes, sitting beside Izuna.
"So did you kill Kitsune or something?" Sasuke rolled his eyes. "He's upstairs sleeping." Obito and madara went to stand. "Try to get a peek of him and I'll kill you." They sat back down. "Oh look at you being protective~." Mikoto hugged her son who rolled his eyes again.
Itachi chuckled.

"Anyways where's your jacket?" "Narutos wearing it." "Why would he get dressed than fall asleep?" "I put it on him ass." "Are you planning on him wearing your jacket?" "I thought that was clear."
Madara chuckled with Obito holding a thumbs up.

"Do you plan on him staying the night?" Itachi smirked, Sasuke rolling his eyes. ".. yes." "I'll make an extra plate than." "Mikoto he isn't like the others Sasukes fucked." "What's that supposed to mean?" "He probably can't handle Sasukes size the first time."
A smirk curved Sasukes lips.
"Holy shit, you took his virginity." Sasuke looked at Itachi, feeling proud. "I did is there something wrong with that?" "Just remember who his family is." Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"I'll put pain pills with his food." "Crushing them?" "No in a cup dad." Madara grumbled. "Yeah grandpa." "Watch it." Sasuke and Itachi smirked.

"Stay." The others grumbled. "So Mikoto can see him but we can't?" "Yes."
Sasuke closed the door and Mikoto giggled.

Mikoto sat the tray on Sasukes desk and looked at the bed.
A small lump laid under the heavy sheets with the leather of Sasukes black jacket reflecting the sun set light.

She walked up and ran her hand through his hair. Naruto hummed.
He moved, his hand under the sulked covered pillow with one beside his mouth, his lips slightly parted.

"He's so peaceful." Sasuke hn'ed.
He leaned on the bed, his knees pressing down.

Mikoto watched as Sasuke kissed Narutos neck then his cheek before his lips.
Narutos nose scrunched and Sasuke kissed his nose.

Naruto soon giggled and put a hand over Sasukes lips, pouting.
Sasuke moved his hand and kissed him.

"Dinner kitten."
Naruto looked over and blushed when he saw Mikoto.

"Oh I'll leave."
Mikoto hurriedly walked out and Sasuke rolled his eyes.

Naruto turned around, whimpering at the pain in his back.

"Does it hurt?" Naruto nodded.
Sasuke picked Naruto up, an arm under Narutos back and one under his legs. Naruto squeaked when he realized he was in nothing but Sasukes jacket.

Sasuke smirked and sat him on his chair.

"Eat up before I give you a different dinner." Sasuke licked Narutos ear and he shivered.

Naruto picked up the fork, slowly eating with his sore body.

"My mother put pain pills in here too." Sasuke held up a small cup. "D-does y-your-?" "Yes they know we had sex." Narutos blush deepened. "Don't worry they know not to touch you." "B-but t-they'll ma-make f-fun o-of m-me." "Of us."
Naruto pouted and Sasuke kissed him.
"Are you done?" Naruto nodded. "You didn't eat much." "Well I was full before this so..." A smirk curved Sasukes lips. "Really?" Naruto shivered at Sasukes breath on his ear as he whispered.

Sasuke chuckled when Naruto looked down, embarrassed.

He picked Naruto up, Narutos arms wrapping around his neck.
Naruto buried into Sasukes chest, taking in his smell of cologne.

Sasuke sat Naruto on the counter and started a bath.

"D-do y-you wa-want m-me t-to l-leave a-after?" Sasuke walked over, placing each hand by Narutos sides. "I was hoping you'd stay." "A-are w-we-?" "No. I'll give your back some time." Naruto nodded.

Sasuke slipped his jacket off of Narutos shoulders, leaving his completely naked.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing your body." Narutos blush became crimson. "I-in a b-bad w-way?" Sasuke kissed Narutos shoulder. "Definitely not in a bad way."
A smile tugged at Narutos lips.

Sasuke shut the water off and placed Naruto in it.

"Oh hot." "Too hot?" Naruto shook his head and sunk into it. Sasuke chuckled and got his shampoo and conditioner.

"Do you liked being wash?" "I usually do it myself."
Sasuke shook his head, rinsing the remaining conditioner out of Narutos hair.

"I'll let you soak for a minute."
Sasuke left the bathroom, leaving the door open.

Naruto leaned over, his arms lazily hanging off of the bath rim.
His eyes fluttered closed but snapped back open.

Sasuke walked into the bathroom with some of his old clothes in hand, to see Narutos fighting sleep.
He shook his head, setting the clothes down and getting a towel.

"Gorgeous." "Hm?" "Come on baby let's get you in bed."
Naruto nodded.

Sasuke helped him out and dried him off, unplugging the plug afterwards.

"Sorry." Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Why are you apologizing? What are you apologizing for?" Tears prickled Narutos eyes and he hid in his hands.
"I'm sorry if I'm causing trouble." Sasuke sighed and lifted Narutos chin, kissing him. "I expect this to happen for a little bit baby. Don't apologize." Naruto nodded.

Sasuke helped him put on his still oversized short sleeved shirt and shorts.

"Naru~." "Hm?" "I expect you to wear my jacket tomorrow." Naruto blushed. "R-really?" "Mhm. Punishment will happen if you disobey me." "P-punishment?"
Sasuke gripped Narutos ass.
"We'd have to see how long you could go before whoring out... that would be your punishment." Narutos blush reached his shoulders. "But that's only if you don't wear my jacket."

Naruto shyly picked at Sasukes shirt. He hummed, his arms slipping around Narutos waist.

"I-I wouldn't h-hate d-doing t-that w-with yo-you tomorrow." Sasuke smirked and kissed Naruto. "We'll have to see how well you heal tonight."
Naruto nodded.

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