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Sasuke walked into his families mansion, heading for the kitchen.
Itachi looked over and smirked.

"Have fun little brother?" "The only good thing I got out going to that wretched school was meeting Naruto Uzumaki."
Mikoto smiled.
"Is he a friend?" "I plan to make him more than a friend mother." Mikoto rolled her eyes. "Your father was that way before he met me." Sasuke rolled his eyes and sat down. "Anyways get your homework done.. the gang will be here later tonight." "For something I can't join." "Little brother you can when your out of school." "I wasn't in school until today Itachi." Itachi rolled his eyes.
"Don't give me attitude little brother." Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Plus Harunos daughter will be staying over." "Mother, why do you hate me?" Mikoto giggled. "I'm serious. That girls a faggot, an ass, a bitch." "Brother don't be so mean." "Itachi." ".. yes I agree but don't be so rude." Sasuke rolled his eyes. "When are they coming over?" "Slightly after dinner." "Oh good." Mikoto rolled her eyes. "I swear you have the sarcasm of a woman." Sasuke scoffed. "I am not a woman mother."

Sasuke stood, beginning to walk out with his bag in hand.

"Oh and Sasuke." He hn'ed. "Do try to be kind to Naruto.. his family is not one to mess with." Itachi smirked knowingly. Sasuke just rolled his eyes and headed up the broad stairs.

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