He questioned his eyes for a moment.

He leaned back and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and middle finger hastily before looking back at the girl before him.

"What's wrong?,"she asked.

And there it was again.


A wave of pink washed over her eyes, and in the next second it was gone.

The realisation hit him like a bag of bludgars.

She wasn't doing this because she wanted to, or because she felt that way about him.

She was doing this because she had been drugged. And judging by the way her eyes flashed bright pink, Nott suspected it wasn't just any regular Amortentia.

No, he knew what this was.

Malfoy and Pucey had finished the original plan. Except they didn't drug her with a potion for George, they drugged her with one for him.

Nott felt the need to keel over and vomit there and then. His mind ran to what a non-drugged Aurora would think of him, taking advantage of her in this state.

Was he taking advantage? He wasn't particularly aware of what was going on up to about ten seconds ago. His stomach knotted and twisted violently.

"I—I....I can't Jenkins. Come on let's get you to someone who knows how to fix this,"he said as he tenderly put his hands on her shoulders, shoving her away from him gently.

But of course, if anyone was to walk in at that moment, it wouldn't look as though he was just trying to get out of the situation as easily as possible without upsetting Aurora and just get her to someone who could help.

No, that would be too good to be true. So as the door flung open, George and Fred Weasley laid eyes upon their worst nightmare. Nott watched as they're eyes dropped to Aurora, who was still on her knees before him.

Next, their eyes snapped up to meet his. Nott had seen the twins angry before, for example on the quidditch pitch. But this.....this was a whole new level. He would've put money on the fact that either of them would use any of the three Unforgivables on him in that moment.

Nott opened his mouth to speak. But nothing came out. He couldn't possibly try and diffuse this now. This situation was like a red rag to a bull. The bull being the two boys before him, who's faces were now matching the colour of said rag.

They're eyes glistened with rage.

"Weasleys, I can explain—."Nott started.

"Are you fucking serious?,"George shouted and Nott felt Aurora flinch.

"This isn't what it looks like Weasley honestly. You see she's been—,"Nott started, hoping the red head would let him finish.

But instead, his twin cut him off.

"Are both of you fucking for real right now?,"Fred seethed.

Aurora turned back to Nott.

"Close the door on your way out boys,"she said calmly to the twins.

Notts gaze dropped down to her in confusion. The potion was designed to not let anything interfere with what she wanted.

"I knew you were fucking lying. I knew I shouldn't have believed you when you said there was nothing going on with him. That's it Rory, you and me and Fred, we're done. You've lost us for good! You lied to us!,"George said before he left the room, punching the door hard on his way out.

Always : Theodore NottOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora