Chapter 10

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As Aurora pulled on one of her many oversized quidditch jumpers, she glanced at the clock.

Quarter past eight.

She snapped up her wand off her nightstand and made her way down the stairs to find two redheads leaning against the common room couches, waiting for her.

"What? Not warm enough outside?,"Fred mocked nodding to the warm jumper.

"Shove off. Oh and by the way, I promised Myrtle I'd drop off a music box for her after this little team rendez-vous so.....,"Aurora said slipping on her shoes.

"A music box for Myrtle?,"George asked quizzically.

Aurora looked up to find both boys looking at her with questioning eyes and furrowed brows.

"Yes boys, she gets bored. Not to mention lonely and I thought it would be nice for her to have some form of entertainment. Distract her from those first years who usually have a go at her this time of year,"Aurora said.

The twins gave each other a quick glance before giving their friend mere huffs of approval.

"Right, what time will you be back?,"Fred asked genuinely.

"I might stay and chat with her for a bit, so probably around 10:30 maybe after it."

"How you stick Myrtle for that long blows my marbles Rory, but I can't argue with you, it's a nice thing to do,"George added.

Aurora stood up and placed her hands on her hips and smiled widely.

"Well I'm just such a wonderful being Georgie,"Aurora said sarcastically.

George pulled a face right back at her, causing his twin to giggle. Looking around, Aurora noted the absence of Harry and the others.

"Where are the rest of the clan?,"Aurora asked.

"Oh Harry and Ron? They've already gone. Hermione too. I think Ginny tagged along with them actually, "for the walk" she said,"George answered.

Aurora nodded before standing up to face the two. She held back a knowing smile as she thought of Ginny's lousy excuse to be around Harry.

A walk. Wow Gin, couldn't do any better.

Then again, Aurora herself was sneaking off to a bathroom to meet with Nott.

Obviously not for the same reasons Ginny had for seeing Harry, she thought to herself.

But at least the Myrtle excuse was a bit better than "a walk". Realising she was thinking to herself for too long Aurora looked back up to the boys.

"Right then, come on. Wouldn't want to be late for Wood, although I don't think he would necessarily mind some one-on-one time with Katie,"Fred said seriously.

Aurora and George both giggled at the statement. Fred had always been unintentionally funny, and he never failed to get a giggle from Aurora.

"True, but come on. Get moving losers,"Aurora said dragging the two boys by the sleeves.

The three slipped through the portrait and began their descent down towards the quidditch pitch. They chatted aimlessly about quidditch, Moaning Myrtle, homework and classes until they reached their destination.

Entering the dressing room, Aurora and the twins were greeted by the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch squad, plus a few more.

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