↬Who they trust to look after you

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Tony Stark and Pepper Potts:

They both trust Rhodey to look after you.

Steve Rogers:

He trusts either Bucky or Sam to look after you.

Laura and Clint Barton:

They both trust Natasha and it's really adorable since Nat has a soft spot for the Barton kids.

Natasha Romanoff:

Mostly Clint because he has kids. If not Clint, she trusts Steve.

Bucky Barnes:

He only trusts Steve to look after you. If Steve's not there, he hesitantly asks Sam.

Wanda Maximoff and Vision:

They both trust Pietro to look after you and your brothers since Pietro's the cool uncle.

Thor Odinson:

Thor trusts either Sif or Frigga. He rarely asks Loki since Loki usually gets up to some mischief with you.

Loki Laufeyson:

He trusts either Thor or Frigga. Mostly Frigga since he doesn't like Thor too much.

Peter Parker:

May or Tony. He doesn't let anyone else come near. Maybe he'll let Happy take care of you sometimes.

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