↬What they call you

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!I won't be doing first steps, cause I just can't!

Tony Stark and Pepper Potts:

Tony calls you 'mini me' or 'Y/n/n' (Your nickname).

Pepper calls you 'sweetie'.

Steve Rogers:

Steve calls you 'sweetheart' because he is old-school.

Laura and Clint Barton:

Clint calls you 'little archer' or 'my baby'.

Laura calls you 'Y/n dear'.

Natasha Romanoff:

Natasha calls you 'принцесса' (Princess in Russian).

Bucky Barnes:

Bucky calls you 'doll' or 'darling'.

Wanda Maximoff and Vision:

Wanda calls you 'troublemaker' or 'sweetie' (in her Sokovian accent).

Vision calls you 'Y/n' or 'darling'.

Thor Odinson:

Thor calls you 'princess of Asgard' and it's really cute.

Loki Laufeyson:

Loki calls you 'my dear' and with his voice, it sounds like a fricking lullaby.

Peter Parker:

Peter just sticks to your name but sometimes he will call you 'sweetie' or 'sweetheart'.

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