↬Telling them you love them for the first time

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Age: 14-15

Tony Stark and Pepper Potts:

Tony Stark:

-Stops functioning

-"What did you say?"

-Smirks when you say it again

-"Of course you do, who doesn't?"

-Laughs but apologizes if he upset you

-Smiles softly to himself and feels like a good father

Pepper Potts:

-Smiles at you

-Kisses your head

-"I love you too, sweetie."

-Gives you a hug

Steve Rogers:

-Eyes go wide in surprise

-Smiles when you ask him what's wrong

-"I love you more."

-Never expected you to tell him this

-Really happy

-Smiles the whole day

Laura and Clint Barton:

Clint Barton:

-"What was that, my baby?"

-Chuckles in amazement

-Starts a competition about who loves who more

-"No way. There is no way you can love me as much as I love you."

-Doesn't stop till you accept defeat

-Tickle fight afterwards

Laura Barton:

-Cups your cheek and kisses your forehead

-"Mommy loves you too."

-Goes back to her work

-Never forgets about it

Natasha Romanoff:


-"You love...me?"

-Smiles widely when you say yes

-"I love you too."

-Tries to hide her smile from the others

-Gives you a lot of affection when it's just the two of you

-She realises that she would give her life for you

Bucky Barnes:

-Freezes in his place

-"You--You do? You really love me?"

-Tears up when you say yes

-"Thank you."

-His voice is so soft and is barely a whisper

-Has never felt loved before

-Takes you out to do anything you want

-Never thought he would get connected to a person like this

Wanda Maximoff and Vision:

Wanda Maximoff:

-Smiles and wraps her arms around you

-You both stay in each other's embrace

-There's a lot of comfortable silence

-Kisses the top of your head

-"I love you so much."

-Billy and Tommy ruin the moment


-Comprehends what you said for a second

-Smiles slightly

-"I love you too."

-Doesn't know what else to say

-Pretty awkward

Thor Odinson:


-So loud

-If it was night, he definitely woke everyone up

-Bone-crushing hugs

-Don't be annoyed though, he just loves you a lot

-Is an actual ball of sunshine

-Buys you whatever the fuck you want

Loki Laufeyson:

-Immediately tears up

-"You do?"

-Smiles softly and wraps you in his embrace

-"You don't know what that means to me."

-He doesn't say it back

-You don't need him too because his actions say it

-"Do you want to go out for a walk? We'll do whatever you want."

Peter Parker:

-"R-Really? You don't think I'm annoying? Or embarrassing?"

-You tell him you don't

-Hugs you and kisses your cheek

-"I love you way too much."

-May walks in to see Peter sitting on his bed while your back was to his chest, both of you watching his phone

-May's never seen Peter smile this much before

-Does whatever you want him to

-He thinks you're an actual angel sent from heaven

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