↬Meeting the Avengers

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Your age: Except for Bucky and Natasha, your an infant.

Tony Stark and Pepper Potts:

Tony was in the meeting room, having a meeting with the rest of the Avengers, and you were with Pepper and Morgan. No one knew about you except for Rhodes because he was your godfather.

At one point, you started crying. Pepper and Morgan tried to calm you down but you wouldn't stop wailing whatsoever. Pepper sighed, realising you wanted your father. "Morgan dear, stay here." Morgan nodded as Pepper stood up and walked to the meeting room.

Pepper didn't bother to knock and just walked in, hoping you would find some comfort with your amazing father. "Pep, what's going on?" Tony questioned, ignoring the shocked looks from the Avengers, upon seeing Pepper walk in with his wailing daughter.

"She wants you." Pepper stated, handing you to Tony.

"Did someone miss daddy?" Tony cooed at you as Pepper left the room, also ignoring the Avengers.

You stopped crying immediately and giggled, holding onto Tony's finger with your tiny hands. Tony smiled down at you, on his lap, before turning to the Avengers to continue the meeting.

"What?" He asks, seeing their shook faces.

"Tony, you had another daughter and you didn't bother to tell us?" Natasha asked and Tony shook his head.

"I was going to tell you, just, not yet." Tony replied, handing you to Rhodes. Rhodes then played with you for a second before handing you around for everyone to introduce themselves.

Steve Rogers:

Steve walked out of the H.Y.D.R.A base with you, Bucky and Tony. They then walked into the Helicarrier where the rest of the Avengers were waiting.

As soon as the three guys walked in, all eyes went on you.

"Steve, who is that?" Wanda raised the question that was in everybody's mind.

"Everyone, this is Y/n." Tony announced happily, but everyone's faces crunched in confusion.

"And we're supposed to know who Y/n is?" Clint questioned with everyone staring at Steve for an answer.

"According to what we saw, she was probably experimented on by Hydra." Bucky said, walking deeper into the Helicarrier.

"Hydra's experimenting on newborns now? God, they just keep getting worse." Natasha rolled her eyes before turning a bit soft at the sight of you peacefully sleeping in Steve's arms.

"Well, what do we plan on doing with her?" Thor asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't worry about it, I'm keeping her. Her full name is Y/n Peggy Rogers." Steve didn't even bother to look up as everyone's mouths hung open. All Steve did was smile at you sweetly.

Laura and Clint Barton:

Laura was at home with you and your siblings while Clint left for work. Luckily, Laura didn't have to stress much about keeping your happy since your siblings were already doing a good job of that.

Laura stood up, going to the kitchen to get you and your siblings some snacks. Just as she stood, she heard the door opening and the voice of her husband and his accomplices filling in.

"Daddy!" Your siblings called happily, jumping up and running to Clint. Laura smiled at them and picked you up so you could join your siblings and father as well.

Avengers Parent Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें