↬Your powers

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Tony Stark and Pepper Potts:

Unfortunately, you don't have any powers. So, Tony talked to Pepper about making you a suit and teaching you to fight when you get older.

Steve Rogers:

Even though everyone knew you were experimented on by HYDRA, no one knew what powers they gave you. Steve expected that they made you a super soldier and turns out, he was correct.

Laura and Clint Barton:

Again, you don't have powers. But, Clint promised to teach you how to use a bow when you get older and he doesn't plan on breaking that promise.

Natasha Romanoff:

Natasha never knew you had powers, neither did you. Well, it turns out that you can manipulate and produce fire. This came as a surprise to the both of you.

Bucky Barnes:

Karli gave you the super soldier serum. So, you were a super soldier but you didn't know how to fight. Bucky told you he would teach you after your next birthday.

Wanda Maximoff and Vision:

You have telekinesis but it doesn't emit any colors like Billy or Wanda. This was a surprise to Wanda but she was still very proud of you.

Thor Odinson:

Sadly, no powers. Thor, however, never cared about this since he and everyone else loved you no matter what. Thor had a talk with Sif and she told him she would teach you how to fight once you grow up.

Loki Laufeyson:

You don't have any powers but Loki would soon teach you how to do magic like he does since you like it so much and he wants you to be strong.

Peter Parker:

No powers. Peter never even thought about you having powers so he never cared. He loves you a lot and doesn't care about any types of powers.

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