↬Trait you inherited from your dad/mom

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Tony Stark and Pepper Potts:

You inherited Tony's creativity and love for building stuff. You always accompany him when he's building and Tony also loves having you around in the lab, as long as you don't hurt yourself.

You inherited Pepper's caring nature.

Steve Rogers:

You were always full of manners like Steve and also hated when people use bad words just like Steve.

Laura and Clint Barton:

You inherited Clint's amazing eyesight and impeccable aim. You were amazing at using a bow just like your dear father.

Natasha Romanoff:

Natasha taught you how to fight and how to use a gun.

Bucky Barnes:

His habit of staring into people's souls rubbed off on you, causing Sam to be even more annoyed since you and Bucky just stare at him.

Wanda Maximoff and Vision:

Wanda's head tilt. Enough said. You always tilt your head before beating the shit out of someone. Vision does it too sometimes so it's basically something that runs in the family.

Thor Odinson:

His optimism. You were just as optimistic as Thor, which annoyed the shit out of Loki, but everyone else found it really adorable since you brighten everyone's day.

Loki Laufeyson:

His mischief. It was cute but annoying since you and Loki always get up to some type of trouble in the palace.

Peter Parker:

His shyness. You may not be as shy as him but you're still pretty shy. Peter and May find this so damn adorable and always feel the need to give you a tight hug.

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