↬First Words

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Tony Stark and Pepper Potts:

Tony was working in his lab while you sat on the floor, playing with a toy screwdriver that Tony bought you.

Tony, at one point, forgot you were there since you were really quiet. Annoyed about not being able to fix something in his suit, he yelled out, "FUCK!"

This caught your attention and you turned to him. "Fuck!" You repeated after him, followed by a giggle.

Tony's head shot in your direction, eyes widened as he realised that you were still in the room with him. "No, no, no, don't say that. That's a bad word." He wiggled his index finger at you before picking you up.

"Fuck!" You said again and Tony sighed in defeat. Pepper was going to murder him.

Steve Rogers:

Steve had Bucky and Sam over one day. While Steve was conversing with Bucky and Sam, you played with a teddy bear on the couch.

Soon, Steve, Bucky and Sam's conversation turned into one about a recent mission of theirs. Sam found the mission really hard, so he said: "That shit was hard, man!"

You, somehow, knew that 'shit' was not a good word and looked at Sam with an angry pout. You then yelled out, the best you could, "Language!"

The three men turned to you, Bucky bursting into laughter upon realising that 'language' was your first word. Steve smiled and walked over to you, picking you up and praising you.

"Great," Sam rolled his eyes. "We got a mini Steve on our hands."

Laura and Clint Barton:

You were sat on the couch with your siblings, who were watching a show they liked. You watched it for a bit but soon got bored.

Clint and Laura were in the kitchen. Laura was making food while Clint was talking to her about what happened with the Avengers that morning.

You always had your mom's attention. You rarely got Clint's since he was usually not home. You wanted Clint's attention but didn't know how to get it. Remembering what your siblings do, you yelled, "Dada!"

Laura froze in her place while Clint's head whipped around to look at you. Your plan worked. Clint rushed over to you and picked you up, happily gushing about your first word.

Laura picked up her phone and started recording incase you say it again. To her luck, you did. "Dada!" You exclaimed again, putting your tiny hands on his face.

Natasha Romanoff: (You can already speak, so, this is the first time you called her mom)

You were sleeping peacefully in your room while Natasha had a conversation with the Avengers outside about an upcoming mission.

While your slumber was peaceful, it was disturbed by a horrible nightmare. In the nightmare, Natasha took you back to the orphanage and said she didn't want you anymore.

You shot up in your bed. You knew it was a nightmare but still, you wanted to see Natasha. You slowly crawled out of bed and opened the door, spotting Natasha. You walked over to her and tapped her arm.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" She asked upon seeing your tear-stained face. You stayed quiet and just climbed onto her lap, wanting her to comfort you. Natasha got the message and started stroking your hair, giving you a kiss on the head. "Did you have a nightmare?"

You nodded and wrapped your arms around her. After a while, you started falling asleep again. "Goodnight, mom." You mumbled before falling asleep. Natasha's face softened as her grip on you tightened.

It was inevitable. She loved you.

Bucky Barnes: (Again, this is the first time you call him dad)

Karli was gone. Dead. Now, Sam was the new Captain America. Bucky was more comfortable about being the Winter Soldier in the past. Everything was perfect.

Right now, you were at Sam's house, waiting for Bucky to come back with the cake. You were playing with Sam's nephews when Bucky's car pulled up.

Sam's nephews happily greeted him with some playful punches, which he dodged, playing along with them. Bucky handed the cake to Sam and walked over to you.

"Hey, dad." You greeted with a smile and Bucky froze. Then, realisation set in. You called him 'dad'.

A huge smile spread on his lips as he wrapped you up in a gentle yet tight hug. Bucky decided at that moment, that this was the happiest day of his life.

Wanda Maximoff and The Vision:

You were in Vision's arms while he was talking on the phone. He was gently bouncing you to keep you entertained.

You looked around at your surroundings. Your brothers were playing on the couch, your father was engulfed in his conversation with the person on the other side.

Lastly, your mom was in the kitchen, using her magic to make some food. You wanted to get to her but didn't know how to. Struggling to get out of Vision's grip, you called out, "Mama!"

Almost as though Wanda was the one with the super speed, she dashed out of the kitchen towards you. Vision had stopped speaking and your brothers had frozen in spot.

Wanda took you from Vision with a bright smile while you giggled happily. Vision smiled before ending the call and your brothers walked over to the three of you. This ended in an adorable family hug.

Thor Odinson:

You were playing on Thor's bed and Thor was sitting next to you, bored out of his mind.

He then picked up Mjlnöir and started spinning it around, making sure not to hurt you with it. You were interested in the huge thing your father was holding.

Noticing your gaze on the hammer, Thor smiled. "This is a hammer." Thor informed and you babbled something that no one could decipher. Suddenly, you said, "Hammer!"

Thor turned to you, shocked at the word that fell out of your lips. He dropped Mjlnöir and picked you up. "Yes, that's right!" He exclaimed happily.

Loki came in to see Thor spinning you around while smiling like an idiot.

Loki Laufeyson:

Loki was having a talk with Frigga and getting some advice on how to take care of you.

You were right there in his arms while he talked. Loki always showed you his magic when you were upset or crying and you loved the fireworks he made.

You were not upset or crying but you wanted to see the fireworks. Not knowing what to do, you poked your father's cheek and said, "Firewok." Loki made fireworks come out of his palm like he always does, not even realising that you spoke.

Until, Frigga chuckled. Loki looked at her in confusion before realising. He turned to look at you watching his fireworks in awe and kissed the top of your head.

"I'm so proud of you, Loki, you're a great father." Frigga praised, making Loki tear up a bit.

Peter Parker:

Peter was having another stressful night of homework and night patrol. You stayed with May while Peter went on his night patrol.

When he came back, he immediately went to his studies. May took you into his room and played with you on Peter's bed. You looked at Peter and frowned as he pulled at his brown hair, stressed.

You looked at May then Peter and May understood what you wanted. She picked you up and took you over to where Peter was studying. "Daddy!" You giggled happily.

At that moment, Peter forgot about everything that was stressing him out. He jumped up from his chair and took you from May, into his own arms.

"Yes, yes, that's me. Oh god, I love you." He gushed while May looked at you both with a smile on her face.

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