"Beth where the hell are you?" Ali asked in an angry voice.

"It's not Beth, it's Brett," I said quietly so I wouldn't wake Beth.

"Where are you?" she asked again.

"We're at my house," I started, "and she's asleep. It's been a long day...I think it's best if I'm with her when she wakes up."

"Um, okay," Ali said, unsure.

"Thanks," I said, hanging up. I heard Beth breathing steadily and concurred that she was sleeping deep enough to move her.

I gently cradled her to my chest, bridal style, as I walked up the stairs and brought her to my room. I pulled the blanket off as I put her under the covers of my bed, and tucked her in. Her eyes didn't even flutter during any of it.

I tugged my shirt off and turned the lights off, crawling in next to her. I wrapped my arms around her sleeping form and pulled her closer to my chest protectively.

"I love you, Beth," I whispered in her ear. "And some day, you're going to marry me."


Elizabeth's POV

I was running, just running. I wasn't sure where. I didn't even know where I was. There was nothing around me that could bring me to a conclusion, only bits and pieces of different places from my life.

My bedroom in my parents house, the class room where I took art lessons when I was little, my grandmother's house, the park down the street from my childhood home, downtown Chicago, the beach, and finally the gazebo in Brett's backyard. I stopped in the center of it, and the twinkling lights were still there. Suddenly it was dark, the only lights wrapped around the gazebo.

Brett stood next to me, cradling me lovingly when he knelt on one knee and opened a little black box.

"Will you marry me?" Brett said, but it wasn't his voice. It was Cody's. I felt a wave of guilt and regret wash over me as I remembered what I had done with Cody.

"No," I whispered, looking straight into his eyes, before I ran off again, into oblivion. I heard Brett shout my name, but I didn't turn back.


I woke up drenched in sweat. I felt arms wrapped around me and opened my eyes. I was confused at first until I realized I was in Brett's room.

"Brett?" I said, my voice hoarse from all the crying the night before.

"Yeah?" he replied, moving around but next to me nonetheless. A smile spread across my lips at the fact he'd slept with me even though I'd told him I couldn't forgive him.

"Morning," I said.

"Morning, baby," he said as he moved so he could kiss me. I kissed back, feeling a little bit better than I did yesterday. He pulled back from the kiss to look into my eyes. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I don't know what I was thinking. And then when I saw your face after I knew you'd seen me...I thought you didn't care. And that crushed me. But Cody told me he'd found you sobbing, and I immediately felt guilty and regretful. I wish I hadn't done it. I'm sorry."

"I have one question," I stated. "Was that the only time you cheated?"

"Yes," he replied and I could hear in his voice that he was being completely honest. I kissed him again, and instead of feeling a mix of emotions, I felt bliss and happiness.


I had left Brett's house a few hours after I'd woken up, and we had decided to eat lunch together that day.

When I got back to the beach house, I took a long, hot shower. When I got out, I noticed that my eyes were finally no longer puffy from crying. I brushed my hair then blow dried it, leaving it wavy.

I walked into my room and went to the dresser, pulling out a cute pair of white Miss Me jeans that cut off at my knees, and a blue Hollister tank top with white writing on it. I put on my blue wrap around sandals and put some mascara on, defining my eyes.

I walked to the restaurant we were meeting at and saw that Brett arrived early. I went to our table on the patio and he stood up to kiss me. It was just a peck, but I could still feel all of his love towards me. We sat down and our waiter came.

"Hi, I'm Ashley, and I'll be your waiter today," she said. She slightly turned to Brett, and I could tell she was checking him out. "What can I get you to drink?"

"Diet Coke, please," I interjected, and Ashley turned to me.

"Water," Brett said. He was staring at me, and I liked that, because our waiter was about my age. Brett probably knew her.

"I'll be right out with that," Ashley said. She walked away.

"Are you jealous?" Brett asked, smiling.

"N-no," I stuttered. "It's just, you probably know her."

"Here you are," Ashley said, putting our drinks down. "Are you ready to order?"

"Not yet," I replied. She nodded then walked away, and I took a sip of my Coke.

"Yeah, I know her," Brett teased with a smirk. "She was my first love."

I choked on my Diet Coke. "What? I thought Heather was your first love..?" I questioned.

"I'm kidding, Beth," Brett said, taking my hands in his. "But I do know her. And I never really loved Heather the way I love you. Beth, I love you, forever and always."

I blushed, and took my hands out of his. I looked through the menu, and Brett did the same. The rest of lunch was great, and we decided to go see a movie after.

"What do you want to see?" Brett asked on the way there. We had both walked to the restaurant, so we had to walk to the movies.

"I don't care," I said, looking up at him. He was gorgeous. He squeezed my hand.

"We could see a chick flick, or a scary movie," he said.

"If we see a chick flick, you know that we're not going to watching it...same with a scary movie."

"All right, you caught me." We stopped and kissed. I pulled away, and we continued walking.

We decided on Knocked Up, and we actually watched most of it since it was really funny. But still parts of it were spent kissing....

Brett walked me home, and it was around three. We got ice cream on our way, me mint chocolate chip and plain chocolate for Brett. He always goes for the originals.

"This is good," Brett said, motioning towards his ice cream as we walked along the sidewalk.

"Mine's better," I teased, taking a bite.

"You wanna bet?" Brett said in a playful tone.

"Actually, yes," I replied and stole a spoonful of his ice cream. However, it still wasn't as good as mine. "Nope, mine's better." Brett chuckled and I realized we'd arrived at the beach house.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Brett said sadly.

"Yeah," I sighed. I pecked him on the cheek and unlocked the door, walking in. I collapsed on my bed and felt a wave of happiness wash over me. Once my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.


Author's Note: This is a tad shorter than others, but I haven't had much time to write with all my finals. But now its finally spring break!!!! im happy:D so I hope you enjoyed(:

<3 you guys!! Thanks for reading!!!!

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