The golden boy felt a string being pulled on his chest as he watched the shifter walk away, it was a weird sensation, it felt uncomfortable. Was it guilt? Pity? He didn't know, but he was sure that he would regret his next actions.

  Bruno continued walking towards the mountain, they could see a little bit of the peak. They thought about looking back and bringing the guard with them, they were 89% sure that it was just a facade he was putting up because they probably don't have friends and fears making friends, even more with someone he was about to arrest to be petrified or worse. They didn't need to look back tho as the guard suddenly appeared by their side.

  "Don't say a word or I'll personally throw you off my staff." Bruno quickly shut their mouth and looked forwards. They let a small smile escape, the guard noticed and fastened his pace to not see them smiling, he already regretted doing this. They kept walking for a couple of minutes, in silence. The blue-haired boy started to drift to his thoughts, thinking about and observing the trees. The blond boy realized that he didn't know where they were going.

  "So, what's the plan?" He asked, making the witch fasten their pace and get to the guard's side before talking.

  "So, I think that those moving trees aren't actually trees." They started. "I've read about an ancient creature that mimicked a tree on one of my books about wild magic. I don't really remember their name, but I remember that they were guardians, when they're around it's because they're guarding something important, maybe a rare creature or a super powerful source of magic."

  The boy was amused by the range of knowledge that the witch had, he didn't forget what he heard on their recordings about their knowledge on wild magic, but he couldn't help but feel a warm sensation on his chest.

  "With that said, they will only attack us if he either attacks them or tries to take what they're protecting. So as long as I don't hit my face on another tree I think we're fine."

  "Wait, what was the last part you said?" He heard what they said, but they wanted to hear them explain how they hit their face on a tree.

  "Well, I kinda... Hit... My face... On a tree..." Their voice got lower and lowers as they spoke, sounding like a whisper at the end.

  The Golden guard was trying really hard not to laugh, imagining how it happened. "How did that happened?"

 Bruno blushed from embarrassment, he tried not to take it personally, since they know that the guard was just picking on them. "I heard a noise when I was walking, I got defensive and the noise became louder, so I ran and I didn't look where I was going... And then it happened."

  The guard started laughing loudly, that was hilarious to him. The blue-haired boy blushed even harder and got annoyed, they tried to explain themselves. "Stop laughing! It was a really big tree! HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IT WAS THERE?! I DIDN'T KNOW THIS FOREST HAD SUCH BIG TREES, I MEAN LOOK AT THE OTHER ONES!"

  He kept laughing, trying not to fall from it. Bruno was irritated, they tried to ignore it by looking at their path and noticed a stick on the ground, it was big and had a bluish color, they quickly got an idea.

  "HAHAH- OW!" The guard's laugh was interrupted by a sudden strike, he looked at Bruno, who was with a stick in their hands. "What was that for?!" He asked.

  "For you to stop laughing at me!" They replied, with a pout. They were trying to look irritated but their embarrassment was bigger, they were blushing red. They didn't like when people laughed at them or made fun of them. "So stop laughing! I'm warning you!"

  "Hah! You wouldn't dare hit me with that again-" SMACK. Bruno hit him with it again, of course, their hits weren't strong, since the boy didn't have much strength in their body and they also weren't trying to hurt the guard.

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